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Subject: motorOMS module startupscript on target(MVME6100) running vxWorks6.9
From: whitetiger1123 via Tech-talk <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
To: "tech-talk at aps.anl.gov" <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
Date: Tue, 22 Nov 2022 11:32:14 +0900



We are trying to put EPICS motor-R7-1(motorOMS module) on target(MVME6100) running vxWorks 6.9.


We could build EPICS Base 3-15-6 for CROSS_COMPILER_TARGET_ARCHS =vxWorks-ppc32

and TFTP to load the vxWorks image at MVME6100


When I am trying to load startup script at MVME6100 but it throwing an error.

Following is the log of error on startup script:

[VxWorks Boot]: @

Boot device : geisc

Unit number : 0

Processor number :0

Host name : host

File name : /home/test/work/vx/default/vxworks

Inet on ehternet :

Host inet :

Gateway inet :

User : test

ftp password : test

flags : 0x0

startup script : host:/home/test/epics/synApps_6_1/support/motor-R7-1/modules/motorOms/iocs/omsIOC/iocBoot/iocOms/st.cmd


Loading… 2457184

Starting at  0x100000…


Target Name : vxTarget


Adding 7851 symbols for standalone.

Executing startup script ‘host:/home/test/epics.synApps_6_1/support/motor-R7-1/modules/motorOms/iocs/omsIOC/iocBoot/iocOms/st.cmd’…


##Example vxWorks startup file

## The following is needed if your board support package doesn’t at boot time

## automatically cd to the directory containing its startup script

#cd “/home/USERNAME/epics/ioc/omsIOC/iocBoot/iocOms”



C interp: unable to open ‘cdCommands’.

Status symbol table not included (errno = 0x880226).


cd topbin

C interp: unknown symbol name ‘topbin’.


## You may have to change oms to something else

## everywhere it appears in this file

ld 0,0, “oms.munch”

ld () : unalbe to open “oms.munch”

value = 0 = 0x0


## Register all support components

cd top

C interp: unknown symbol name ‘top’.


dbLoadDatabase “dbd/oms.dbd”

C interp: unknown symbol name ‘dbLoadDatabase’.

oms_registerRecordDeviceDriver pdbbase

Cinterp: unknown symbol name ‘pdbase’.


cd startup

C interp: unknown symbol name ‘startup’.


## motorUtil (allstop & alldone)

dbLoadRecords(“$(MOTOR)/db.motorUtil.db”, P=oms:”)

C interp: unknown symbol name ‘dbLoadRecords’.


##Support for the OMS MAXv (VxWorks shell or iocsh)




##Support for the OMS VME85



##Support for the OMS VME44



##Support for the OMS PC68 and PC78 (requires asyn)




C interp: unknown symbol name ‘iocInit’.


##motorUtil (allstop & alldone)


C interp: unknown symbol name ‘motorUtilInit’.


#Boot Complete

Done executing startup script ‘host:/home/test/epics/synApps_6_1/support/motor-R7-1/modules/motorOms iocs/omsIOC.iocBoot/iocOms.st.cmd’.






Do I have to modify st.cmd file? I really want to know how to fix this error . please help me.



Thanks for reply and help me always.



Re: motorOMS module startupscript on target(MVME6100) running vxWorks6.9 Mark Rivers via Tech-talk

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