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<== Date ==> <== Thread ==>

Subject: Re: Bug in macLib
From: Eric Norum <[email protected]>
To: Andrew Johnson <[email protected]>
Cc: Core-Talk <[email protected]>, Mark Rivers <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2010 16:46:18 -0700
Check the last 'if' statement in mcaCore.c: trans....

static void trans( MAC_HANDLE *handle, MAC_ENTRY *entry, int level,
                   const char *term, const char **rawval, char **value,
                   char *valend )
    char quote;
    const char *r;
    char *v;
    int discard;
    int macRef;

    /* return immediately if raw value is NULL */
    if ( *rawval == NULL ) return;

    /* discard quotes and escapes if level is > 0 (i.e. if these aren't
       the user's quotes and escapes) */
    discard = ( level > 0 );

    /* debug output */
    if ( handle->debug & 2 )
        printf( "trans-> entry = %p, level = %d, maxlen = %u, discard = %s, "
        "rawval = %s\n", entry, level, (unsigned int)(valend - *value), discard ? "T" : "F", *rawval );

    /* initially not in quotes */
    quote = 0;

    /* scan characters until hit terminator or end of string */
    for ( r = *rawval, v = *value; strchr( term, *r ) == NULL; r++ ) {

        /* handle quoted characters (quotes are discarded if in name) */
        if ( quote ) {
            if ( *r == quote ) {
                quote = 0;
                if ( discard ) continue;
        else if ( *r == '"' || *r == '\'' ) {
            quote = *r;
            if ( discard ) continue;

        /* macro reference if '$' followed by '(' or '{' */
        macRef = ( *r == '$' &&
                   *( r + 1 ) != '\0' &&
                   strchr( "({", *( r + 1 ) ) != NULL );

        /* macros are not expanded in single quotes */
        if ( macRef && quote != '\'' ) {
            /* Handle macro reference */
            refer ( handle, entry, level, &r, &v, valend );

        else {
            /* handle escaped characters (escape is discarded if in name) */
            if ( *r == '\\' && *( r + 1 ) != '\0' ) {
                if ( v < valend && !discard ) *v++ = '\\';
                if ( v < valend ) *v++ = *++r;

            /* copy character to output */
            else {
                if ( v < valend ) *v++ = *r;

            /* ensure string remains properly terminated */
            if ( v <= valend ) *v   = '\0';

Eric Norum
[email protected]

Re: Bug in macLib Eric Norum
RE: Bug in macLib Mark Rivers
Bug in macLib Mark Rivers
Re: Bug in macLib Andrew Johnson

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