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Subject: [Merge] lp:~ronaldo-mercado/epics-base/capr into lp:epics-base
From: Ronaldo Mercado <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Date: Wed, 26 May 2010 11:17:25 -0000
Ronaldo Mercado has proposed merging lp:~ronaldo-mercado/epics-base/capr into lp:epics-base.

Requested reviews:
  EPICS Core Developers (epics-core)

>From "Rewrite capr and add to Base" at

Modified capr to use perl-CA library. Still using John Maclean's parser which seems
good enough for the task.

Added capr.pl under src/cap5 and marked for installation along other perl scripts.
It uses the perl-CA library doing simultaneous pull of the several fields needed.
Removed the default dbd file because there is no sensible default across facilities.

Your team EPICS Core Developers is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~ronaldo-mercado/epics-base/capr into lp:epics-base.
=== modified file 'src/cap5/Makefile'
--- src/cap5/Makefile	2009-11-25 18:24:09 +0000
+++ src/cap5/Makefile	2010-05-26 11:17:24 +0000
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
   PERL_SCRIPTS += cainfo.pl
   PERL_SCRIPTS += caput.pl
   PERL_SCRIPTS += caget.pl
+  PERL_SCRIPTS += capr.pl
   PERL_SCRIPTS += camonitor.pl

=== added file 'src/cap5/capr.pl'
--- src/cap5/capr.pl	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ src/cap5/capr.pl	2010-05-26 11:17:24 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,455 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+#    capr: A program that attempts to do a "dbpr" command via channel
+#    access.
+use strict;
+use FindBin qw($Bin);
+use lib "$Bin/../../lib/perl";
+use Getopt::Std;
+use CA;
+######### Globals ##########
+my $hostArch;
+if ( defined $ENV{"EPICS_HOST_ARCH"} ) {
+    $hostArch = $ENV{"EPICS_HOST_ARCH"} ;
+} else {
+    $hostArch="solaris-sparc";
+our( $opt_h, $opt_d, $opt_f, $opt_r);
+my $theDbdFile;
+my %record = ();    # Empty hash to put dbd data in
+my $iIdx = 0;       # Array indexes for interest, data type and base
+my $tIdx = 1;
+my $bIdx = 2;
+my %device = ();    # Empty hash to record which rec types have device support
+my $DEBUG=0;        # DEBUG
+# EPICS field types referenced to their equivalent EZCA types
+my %fieldType = (
+                DBF_STRING      => "ezcaString",
+                DBF_BYTE        => "ezcaByte",
+                DBF_CHAR        => "ezcaByte",
+                DBF_UCHAR       => "ezcaChar",
+                DBF_SHORT       => "ezcaShort",
+                DBF_USHORT      => "ezcaLong",
+                DBF_LONG        => "ezcaLong",
+                DBF_ULONG       => "ezcaDouble",
+                DBF_FLOAT       => "ezcaFloat",
+                DBF_DOUBLE      => "ezcaDouble",
+                DBF_ENUM        => "ezcaString",
+                DBF_MENU        => "ezcaString",
+                DBF_DEVICE      => "ezcaString",
+                DBF_INLINK      => "ezcaString",
+                DBF_OUTLINK     => "ezcaString",
+                DBF_FWDLINK     => "ezcaString",
+                DBF_NOACCESS    => "ezcaNoAccess"
+# globals for sub caget
+my %callback_data;
+my $callback_incomplete;
+my $cadebug = 0;
+######### Main program ############
+HELP_MESSAGE() unless getopts('hd:f:r');
+HELP_MESSAGE() if $opt_h;
+# Select the dbd file to use
+if($opt_d) {                            # command line has highest priority
+    $theDbdFile = $opt_d;
+elsif (exists $ENV{CAPR_DBD_FILE}) {    # Use the env var if it exists
+    $theDbdFile = $ENV{CAPR_DBD_FILE};
+}                                        # Otherwise use the default set above
+else {
+    die "No dbd file defined. ('capr.pl -h' gives help)\n";
+print "Using $theDbdFile\n\n";
+# Print a list of record types
+if($opt_r) {
+    print ("Record types defined in $theDbdFile\n");
+    printList(0);
+    exit;
+# Print the fields defined for given record
+if($opt_f) {
+    printRecordList($opt_f);
+    exit;
+# Do the business
+# Allow commas between arguments as in vxWorks dbpr
+HELP_MESSAGE() unless defined $ARGV[0];
+$ARGV[0] =~ s/,/ /;                     # Get rid of pesky comma if it's there
+if($ARGV[0] =~ m/\s+\d/) {              # If we replace comma with a space,
+    ($ARGV[0], $ARGV[1]) = split(/ /, $ARGV[0]); #split it
+$ARGV[0] =~ s/\s+//;                    # Remove any spaces
+$ARGV[0] =~ s/\..*//;                   # Get rid of field name if it's there
+$ARGV[1] = 0 unless defined $ARGV[1];   # default interest level is 0
+$ARGV[1] =~ s/\D//g;                    # Make sure we only use digits
+$ARGV[1] = $ARGV[1] || 0;               # interest defaults to 0
+printRecord($ARGV[0], $ARGV[1]);        # Do the do
+########## End of main ###########
+# parseDbd
+# takes given dbd file and parses it to produce a hash table of record types
+# giving their fields, and for each field its interest level and data type
+# usage: void parseDbd("fileName");
+# Output is in the hash %record. This is a hash of (references to) another.
+# hash containing the fields of this record, as keys. The value keyed by
+# the field names are (references to) arrays. Each of these arrays contains
+# the interest level, data type and base of the field
+sub parseDbd {
+    my $dbdFile = $_[0];
+    my @dbd;
+    my $length;
+    my $level = 0;
+    my $i = 0;
+    my $isArecord = 0;
+    my $isAfield;
+    my $thisRecord;
+    my $thisField;
+    my $thisType;
+    my %field = ();
+    my @params = ();
+    my $interest = 0;
+    my $thisBase = "DECIMAL";
+    my $item;
+    my $newDevice;
+    open(DBD, "< $dbdFile") || die "Can't open dbd file $dbdFile --";
+    @dbd = <DBD>;
+    $length = @dbd;
+    close(DBD) || die "Can't close $dbdFile --";
+    while ($i < $length) {
+        $_ = $dbd[$i];
+        chomp;
+        print("line $i - level $level\n") if ($DEBUG);
+            #$line = $dbd[$i] || die "Unexpected end of file: $dbdFile, line $.";
+        if( m/recordtype/ ) {
+            ($level == 0) || die "dbd file format error in or before line $i --";
+            m/\((.*)\)/;                    #get record type
+            #@records = (@records, $1);
+            $isArecord = 1;
+            $thisRecord = $1;
+        }
+        if( m/field/ ) {
+            ($level == 1 && $isArecord) || die "dbd file format error in or before line $i --";
+            m/\((.*),/;                        # get field name
+            $thisField = $1;
+            m/,(.*)\)/;                        # get field type
+            $thisType = $1;
+            $isAfield = 1;
+            #print("$1 , line $i ");
+        }
+        if( m/interest/ ) {
+            ($level == 2 && $isAfield) || die "dbd file format error in or before line $i --";
+            m/\((.*)\)/ ;                    # get interest level, default = 0
+            $interest = $1;
+        }
+        if( m/base/ ) {
+            ($level == 2 && $isAfield) || die "dbd file format error in or before line $i --";
+            m/\((.*)\)/ ;                    # get base, default = DECIMAL
+            $thisBase = $1;
+        }
+        if( m/\{/ ) { $level++ };
+        if( m/\}/ ) {
+            if( $level == 2 && $isAfield) {
+                $isAfield = 0;
+                $params[$iIdx] = $interest;
+                $params[$tIdx] = $thisType;
+                $params[$bIdx] = $thisBase;
+                $field{$thisField} = [@params];
+                #print("interest $interest\n");
+                $interest = 0;                    # set up default for next time
+                $thisBase = "DECIMAL";            # set up default for next time
+            }
+            if( $level == 1 && $isArecord) {
+                $isArecord = 0;
+                $record{$thisRecord} = { %field };
+                #print("record type $thisRecord ");
+                #foreach $key (keys(%field)) {
+                #    print("Field $key - interest $field{$key}\n");
+                #}
+                %field = ();                    # set up for next time
+            }
+            $level--;
+        }
+        # Parse for record types with device support
+        if( m/device/ ) {
+            m/\((.*?),/;
+            if(!exists($device{$1})) {
+                # Use a hash to make a list of record types with device support
+                $device{$1} = 1;
+            }
+        }
+        $i++;
+    }
+# Given a record name attempts to find the record and its type.
+# Usage: getRecType(recordName) - returns ($error, $recordType)
+sub getRecType {
+    my $name = $_[0] . ".RTYP";
+    my $type;
+    my $data;
+    my $fields_read = caget( $name );
+    if ( $fields_read != 1 ) { die "Record \"$_[0]\" not found\n"; }
+    $data = $callback_data{ $name };
+    chomp $data;
+    $data =~ s/\s+//;
+    #print("$name is a \"$data\"type\n");
+    return($data);
+# Given the record type and the field returns the interest level, data type
+# and base for the field
+# Usage: ($dataType, $interest, $base) getFieldParams( $recType, $field)
+sub getFieldParams {
+    my $recType = $_[0];
+    my $field   = $_[1];
+    my ($fType, $fInterest, $fBase);
+    exists($fieldType{$record{$recType}{$field}[$tIdx]})  ||
+        die "Field data type $field for $recType not found in dbd file --";
+    exists($record{$recType}{$field}[$iIdx])  ||
+        die "Interest level for $field in $recType not found in dbd file --";
+    $fType     = $fieldType{$record{$recType}{$field}[$tIdx]};
+    $fInterest = $record{$recType}{$field}[$iIdx];
+    $fBase       = $record{$recType}{$field}[$bIdx];
+    return($fType, $fInterest, $fBase);
+# Prints field name and data for given field. Formats output so
+# that fields align in to 4 columns. Tries to imitate dbpf format
+# Usage: printField( $fieldName, $data, $dataType, $base, $firstColumnPosn)
+sub printField {
+    my $fieldName = $_[0];
+    my $fieldData = $_[1];
+    my $dataType  = $_[2];
+    my $base      = $_[3];    # base to display numeric data in
+    my $col       = $_[4];    # first column to print in
+    my $screenWidth  = 80;
+    my ($outStr, $len, $wide, $pad, $field);
+    $field = $fieldName . ":";
+    if( $dataType eq "ezcaString" ) {
+        $outStr = sprintf("%-5s %s", $field, $fieldData);
+    } elsif ( $base eq "HEX" ) {
+        $outStr = sprintf("%-5s %x", $field, $fieldData);
+    } elsif ( $dataType eq "ezcaDouble" || $dataType eq "ezcaFloat" ) {
+        $outStr = sprintf("%-5s %.8f", $field, $fieldData);
+    } elsif ( $dataType eq "ezcaChar" ) {
+        $outStr = sprintf("%-5s %d", $field, ord($fieldData));
+    }else {
+        # ezcaByte, ezcaShort, ezcaLong
+        $outStr = sprintf("%-5s %d", $field, $fieldData);
+    }
+    $len = length($outStr);
+    if($len <= 20) { $wide = 20; }
+    elsif( $len <= 40 ) { $wide = 40; }
+    elsif( $len <= 60 ) { $wide = 60; }
+    else { $wide = 80;}
+    $pad = $wide - $len;
+    if( $col + $wide > $screenWidth ) {
+        print("\n");
+        $col = 0;
+    }
+    print sprintf("$outStr%*s",$pad," ");
+    $col = $col + $wide;
+    return($col);
+#  Query for a list of fields simultaneously.
+#  The results are filled in the the %callback_data global hash
+#  and the result of the operation is the number of read pvs
+#  NOTE: Not re-entrant because results are written to global hash
+#        %callback_data
+#  Usage: $fields_read = caget( @pvlist )
+sub caget {
+    my @chans = map { CA->new($_); } @_;
+    my $wait = 1;
+    #clear results;
+    %callback_data = ();
+    eval { CA->pend_io($wait); };
+    if ($@) {
+        if ($@ =~ m/^ECA_TIMEOUT/) {
+            my $err = (@chans > 1) ? 'some PV(s)' : "'" . $chans[0]->name . "'";
+            print "Channel connect timed out: $err not found.\n";
+            foreach my $chan (@chans) {
+                $callback_data{$chan->name} = "<timeout>"
+                  unless $chan->is_connected;
+            }
+            @chans = grep { $_->is_connected } @chans;
+        } else {
+            die $@;
+        }
+    }
+    map {
+        my $type;
+        $type = $_->field_type;
+        #$callback_data{$_->name} =  undef;
+        $_->get_callback(\&caget_callback, $type);
+    } @chans;
+    my $fields_read = @chans;
+    $callback_incomplete = @chans;
+    CA->pend_event(0.1) while $callback_incomplete;
+    return $fields_read;
+sub caget_callback {
+    my ($chan, $status, $data) = @_;
+    die $status if $status;
+    $callback_data{$chan->name} = $data;
+    $callback_incomplete--;
+# Given record name and interest level prints data from record fields
+# that are at or below the interest level specified.
+# Usage: printRecord( $recordName, $interestLevel)
+sub printRecord {
+    my $name = $_[0];
+    my $interest = $_[1];
+    my ($error, $recType, $field, $fType, $fInterest, $data);
+    my ($fToGet, $col, $base);
+    #print("checking record $name, interest $interest\n");
+    $recType = getRecType($name);
+    print("$name is record type $recType\n");
+    exists($record{$recType})  || die "Record type $recType not found in dbd file --";
+    #capture list of fields
+    my @readlist = ();  #fields to read via CA
+    my @fields_pr = (); #fields for print-out
+    my @ftypes = ();    #types, from parser
+    my @bases = ();     #bases, from parser
+    foreach $field (sort keys %{$record{$recType}}) {
+        # Skip DTYP field if this rec type doesn't have device support defined
+        if($field eq "DTYP" && !(exists($device{$recType}))) { next; }
+        ($fType, $fInterest, $base) = getFieldParams($recType, $field);
+        unless( $fType eq "ezcaNoAccess" ) {
+            if( $interest >= $fInterest ) {
+                $fToGet = $name . "." . $field;
+                push @fields_pr, $field;
+                push @readlist, $fToGet;
+                push @ftypes, $fType;
+                push @bases, $base;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    my $fields_read = caget( @readlist );
+    # print while iterating over lists gathered
+    $col = 0;
+    for (my $i=0; $i < scalar @readlist; $i++) {
+        $field  = $fields_pr[$i];
+        $fToGet = $readlist[$i];
+        $data   = $callback_data{$fToGet};
+        $fType  = $ftypes[$i];
+        chomp $data;
+        $col = printField($field, $data, $fType, $base, $col);
+    }
+    print("\n");  # Final line feed
+# Prints list of record types found in dbd file. If level > 0
+# then the fields of that record type, their interest levels and types are
+# also printed.
+# Diagnostic routine, usage: void printList(level);
+sub printList {
+    my $level = $_[0];
+    my ($rkey, $fkey);
+    foreach $rkey (sort keys(%record)) {
+        print("$rkey\n");
+        if($level > 0) {
+            foreach $fkey (keys %{$record{$rkey}}) {
+                print("\tField $fkey - interest $record{$rkey}{$fkey}[$iIdx] ");
+                print("- type $record{$rkey}{$fkey}[$tIdx] ");
+                print("- base $record{$rkey}{$fkey}[$bIdx]\n");
+            }
+        }
+    }
+# Prints list of fields with interest levels for given record type
+# Diagnostic routine, usage: void printRecordList("recordType");
+sub printRecordList {
+    my ($rkey, $fkey);
+    my $type = $_[0];
+    if( exists($record{$type}) ) {
+        print("Record type - $type\n");
+        foreach $fkey (sort keys %{$record{$type}}) {
+            printf("%-4s", $fkey);
+            printf("    interest = $record{$type}{$fkey}[$iIdx]");
+            printf("    type = %-12s ",$record{$type}{$fkey}[$tIdx]);
+            print ("    base = $record{$type}{$fkey}[$bIdx]\n");
+        }
+    }
+    else {
+        print("Record type $type not defined in dbd file $theDbdFile\n");
+    }
+    print STDERR "\n",
+"Usage: capr.pl -h\n",
+"       capr.pl [-d dbd_file] -r\n",
+"       capr.pl [-d dbd_file] -f <record_type>\n",
+"       capr.pl [-d dbd_file] <record_name> <interest>\n",
+"   Attempts to perform a record print \"dbpr\" via channel access\n",
+"   for record_name at a given interest level.\n",
+"   The default interest level is 0.\n\n",
+"   If used with the f or r options, prints fields/record type lists.\n",
+"   -h: Help: Prints this message\n",
+"   -d Dbd file: specify dbd file used to read record definitions.\n",
+"      If omitted, the environment variable CAPR_DBD_FILE must be defined\n",
+"   -r Prints the list of record types\n",
+"   -f Prints list of fields, interest level, type and base for the\n",
+"      given record type\n",
+    exit 1;

Re: [Merge] lp:~ronaldo-mercado/epics-base/capr into lp:epics-base Andrew Johnson
Re: [Merge] lp:~ronaldo-mercado/epics-base/capr into lp:epics-base Ralph Lange
Re: [Merge] lp:~ronaldo-mercado/epics-base/capr into lp:epics-base Andrew Johnson
Re: [Merge] lp:~ronaldo-mercado/epics-base/capr into lp:epics-base Ronaldo Mercado

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