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<== Date ==> <== Thread ==>

Subject: Re: pvget -m timeout after first value
From: "Kasemir, Kay via Core-talk" <[email protected]>
To: Michael Davidsaver <[email protected]>
Cc: EPICS Core Talk <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2018 14:49:15 +0000
Hello Michael:

> By the time this build has failed, the pvtools have already been rebuilt.
> So you can proceed with testing.
OK, I've rebuilt the example IOC, and now the response is very consistent:

[training@training iocExample]$ pvinfo  training:ai1
training:ai1 Error: channel destroyed
[training@training iocExample]$ pvget training:ai1
training:ai1 [training@training iocExample]$ pvget -m training:ai1
{ no printout, just hangs there }

So instead of one update, and then the timeout, I get nothing,
and that's now directly within the VM where before it all worked fine.

> If you would like to see a clean build,
> then either update the remaining PVA modules as well, or simply delete
> them.
I'm unclear which branches from what repositories to combine to get a consistent snapshot.
I have these:
>> use branch 'structformatter' in https://github.com/mdavidsaver/pvDataCPP
>> use branch 'pvtoolsrework' in https://github.com/mdavidsaver/pvAccessCPP
but what about the other modules/* in base?


Re: pvget -m timeout after first value Michael Davidsaver
pvget -m timeout after first value Kasemir, Kay via Core-talk
Re: pvget -m timeout after first value Michael Davidsaver
Re: pvget -m timeout after first value Kasemir, Kay via Core-talk
Re: pvget -m timeout after first value Michael Davidsaver

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