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Subject: Re: Making a case for cases
From: Ned Arnold <[email protected]>
To: EPICS tech-talk <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 6 Aug 2010 07:18:19 -0500
On Aug 5, 2010, at 5:31 PM, Alan Biocca wrote:

> One thing that is worth considering for new projects is to make a program that builds names. A web based application might be best. So whatever is decided is codified into this one name ratifier.
> Record aliases are of great use also where two naming conventions might meet. For example BPMs and other sensors are of several physical types, but from some views they might not have the same variation in naming as they might from a lower level view.
> -- Alan

Another example of where two naming conventions overlap is when the hardware-oriented engineer want to name a PV based on it's hardware addresses for testing purposes  ...  IOC1:AB1771:C2:S1  ... and the application engineer wants to name that same channel as  LINAC:CAV1:Temperature.  Yes, we have all defined duplicate PVs to implement this (or have one link to the other) but PV aliases is a much more elegant solution.


medm Mezger Anton-Chr.
Re: Making a case for cases Steven M. Hartman
Re: Making a case for cases Purcell, J. David
Re: Making a case for cases Andrew Johnson
Re: Making a case for cases Alan Biocca

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