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Subject: Re: msi again
From: Ben Franksen <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Date: Wed, 25 Aug 2010 17:23:07 +0200
On Mittwoch, 25. August 2010, Tim Mooney wrote:
>   Dear folks,  One feature of msi that I'm relying on is its willingness
> to write a database
> file with unresolved macros (to be resolved later by dbLoadDatabase()). 
> Currently, msi warns me when I do this, but it does let me do it.

We rely on this, too, and I dearly hope there are no plans to change it.

"Never confuse what is natural with what is habitual."
                                                 -- Mahatma Gandhi

Re: msi again Andrew Johnson
msi again Benjamin Franksen
Re: msi again Andrew Johnson
Re: msi again Tim Mooney

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