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Subject: Epics7
From: Liridon Deda via Tech-talk <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
To: <Tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 11:06:56 +0200

I have a working Epics7 installation on a Windows machine with Anaconda installed and tried to build pyDevSup as module, but didn't succeed so far. I also tried it on an Ubuntu machine, and there it works fine. First, I had some issues that numpy from the Anaconda installation was not found, but this is solved. No, I get the following output:

(base) C:\opt\epics\modules\pyDevSup>gmake

gmake -C ./configure install

gmake[1]: Entering directory 'C:/opt/epics/modules/pyDevSup/configure'

perl -CSD C:/opt/epics/base/bin/windows-x64-static/makeMakefile.pl O.windows-x64-static ../..

perl -CSD -MExtUtils::Command -e mkpath O.Common

gmake -C O.windows-x64-static -f ../Makefile TOP=../.. \

    T_A=windows-x64-static install

gmake[2]: Entering directory 'C:/opt/epics/modules/pyDevSup/configure/O.windows-x64-static'

perl -CSD C:/opt/epics/base/bin/windows-x64-static/convertRelease.pl checkRelease

C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\python.exe ../../makehelper.py os/CONFIG_PY.Common.windows-x64-static

"Installing config file ../../configure/os/CONFIG_PY.Common.windows-x64-static"

gmake[2]: Leaving directory 'C:/opt/epics/modules/pyDevSup/configure/O.windows-x64-static'

gmake[1]: Leaving directory 'C:/opt/epics/modules/pyDevSup/configure'

gmake -C ./archApp install

gmake[1]: Entering directory 'C:/opt/epics/modules/pyDevSup/archApp'

perl -CSD C:/opt/epics/base/bin/windows-x64-static/makeMakefile.pl O.windows-x64-static ../..

perl -CSD -MExtUtils::Command -e mkpath O.Common

gmake -C O.windows-x64-static -f ../Makefile TOP=../.. \

    T_A=windows-x64-static install

gmake[2]: Entering directory 'C:/opt/epics/modules/pyDevSup/archApp/O.windows-x64-static'

'[' is not recognized as an internal or external command,

operable program or batch file.

'install' is not recognized as an internal or external command,

operable program or batch file.

gmake[2]: *** [../../configure/RULES_PY:10: ../../python39/windows-x64-static/bplreport.py] Error 1

gmake[2]: Leaving directory 'C:/opt/epics/modules/pyDevSup/archApp/O.windows-x64-static'

gmake[1]: *** [/opt/epics/base/configure/RULES_ARCHS:58: install.windows-x64-static] Error 2

gmake[1]: Leaving directory 'C:/opt/epics/modules/pyDevSup/archApp'

gmake: *** [/opt/epics/base/configure/RULES_DIRS:85: archApp.install] Error 2

Does anyone have an Idea what could be the problem and how can I fix it.
Thanks a lot

Re: Epics7 Ralph Lange via Tech-talk
Re: Epics7 (pyDevSup) Michael Davidsaver via Tech-talk

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