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Subject: Re: how to configure compiler version
From: Pierrick M Hanlet via Tech-talk <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
To: "tech-talk at aps.anl.gov" <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2023 17:51:41 +0000
Yes, that's the beauty of the nested build system.  Each package has its own XXX/configure directory and these files
can override settings in your base/configuration/ files.  Specifically, you should create a XXX/configure/CONFIG_SITE.local
file with your specific needs.

On 9/13/23 11:08, timesir via Tech-talk wrote:
Is it possible to modify the compiler version only when compiling a specific package is. I.e., the compiler version in the Makefile for a specific package overrides the version in the epics-base.

Andrew Johnson <anj at anl.gov> 于2023年9月13日周三 23:57写道:
On 9/13/23 10:43 AM, Soliday, Robert T. via Tech-talk wrote:
I set the version in configure/CONFIG

AR=/usr/local/gcc-11.3.0/bin/gcc-ar -rc
CPP = /usr/local/gcc-11.3.0/bin/gcc -x c -E
That would work (if you put those at the end of the file) as long as you are only building for the host architecture. If you will need to be able to cross-build for IOCs of other architectures and/or operating systems the settings for your particular host target should be added to the file configure/os/CONFIG_SITE.Common.<host-arch> or configure/os/CONFIG_SITE.<host-arch>.<host-arch> where <host-arch> would be linux-x86_64 for 64-bit Linux on Intel or amd64 hosts. Configuring builds for any cross architectures is more complicated.

- Andrew

-----Original Message-----
From: Tech-talk <tech-talk-bounces at aps.anl.gov> On Behalf Of timesir via Tech-talk
Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2023 10:38 AM
To: epics community <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
Subject: how to configure compiler version

Dear all,

  If there are three versions of gcc installed on the OS, how should I
set up epics to use a particular version of gcc. Right now I find that
/usr/bin/gcc is always used.

Complexity comes for free, Simplicity you have to work for.

Pierrick Hanlet
Fermi National Accelerator
Accelerator Front End Controls
+1-630-840-5555 -- lab
+1-312-687-4980 -- mobile

"Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right" -- Henry Ford

how to configure compiler version timesir via Tech-talk
RE: how to configure compiler version Soliday, Robert T. via Tech-talk
Re: how to configure compiler version Andrew Johnson via Tech-talk
Re: how to configure compiler version timesir via Tech-talk

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