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<== Date ==> <== Thread ==>

Subject: Re: C and C++ standard required by EPICS 7 Base and modules?
From: Michael Davidsaver via Tech-talk <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
To: "J. Lewis Muir" <jlmuir at imca-cat.org>
Cc: EPICS Tech-Talk <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2023 10:17:35 -0800
On 11/29/23 09:55, J. Lewis Muir wrote:
On 11/29, Michael Davidsaver wrote:
On 11/28/23 21:19, J. Lewis Muir via Tech-talk wrote:
What C language standard (e.g., C99) and C++ language standard
(e.g., C++11) does EPICS 7 Base require?

Currently epics-base and the bundled PVA modules should build with -std=c++98.

Thanks!  And what about C?

In practice, my answer is the same.  The toolchains we test with.
eg. RTEMS 4.9 has GCC 4.4.

On "paper" C89.  I am less certain that Base would actually build with
-std=c89 as we may use some compiler specific features in OS/compiler
specific code.

Also, is there a C and C++ language standard for EPICS 7 modules?

BTW, the EPICS 7 Base build system does not specify a C and C++ standard
when compiling (e.g., via a "-std=" compiler option) on most platforms,
but I think it should on all platforms.  I only see that compiler option
being used in the following:

Of more practical importance than -std=... we test with older G++ and MSVC.

eg. with my PVXS modules, while I say >= c++11.  In practice my compatibility
target is g++ >= 4.8 (circa RHEL7) which implemented most, but not all, of c++11.

Thanks!  And again, what about C?

PVXS is written in C++.

Re: C and C++ standard required by EPICS 7 Base and modules? J. Lewis Muir via Tech-talk
C and C++ standard required by EPICS 7 Base and modules? J. Lewis Muir via Tech-talk
Re: C and C++ standard required by EPICS 7 Base and modules? Michael Davidsaver via Tech-talk
Re: C and C++ standard required by EPICS 7 Base and modules? J. Lewis Muir via Tech-talk

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