A block of rooms has been reserved at the Argonne Guest House. The cut-off date for making reservations was May 24, 2006. After this date room availability is not guaranteed. To make reservations, contact the Guest House directly.
Argonne Guest House
Telephone: 1 800.632.8990 (inside U.S.)
Telephone: 1 630.739.6000 (outside U.S.)
Fax: 1 630.739.1000
E-mail: [email protected]
Please identify yourself as an attendee of the EPICS Collaboration Meeting when making your reservation to get the meeting rate (single $55.00/night; double $65.00/night). The contact person for this meeting is John Maclean, APS Engineering Support Division, Advanced Photon Source, telephone: (630) 252-5259.