Collaboration Meeting, 11-15 June 2018 EPICS EPICS Collaboration Meeting, 11-15 June 2018
Summary Talks Satellite Meetings Participants Lodging Exhibition Sponsors

Satellite Meeting Participants

The following table lists all the participants who signed up for each satellite meeting.

Meeting Abbreviations

Name Affiliation BS OH MC PVA AD CSS EC
Daniel Allan Brookhaven National Laboratory BS     PVA AD    
Dohn Arms Argonne National Laboratory BS OH   PVA      
SoungYoul Baek Pohang Accelerator Laboratory BS OH          
Eric Berryman Facility for Rare Isotope Beams           CSS  
Roger Biffiger Paul Scherrer Institute BS OH MC PVA AD CSS EC
Arun Bommannavar Carnegie Institution of Washington BS            
Torsten Bögershausen European Spallation Source ERIC     MC        
Stuart Campbell Brookhaven National Laboratory BS     PVA AD    
Thomas Caswell Brookhaven National Laboratory BS       AD    
Leo Dalesio Osprey DCS   OH   PVA      
Michael Dalesio Osprey DCS       PVA     EC
Michael Davidsaver Osprey DCS   OH   PVA     EC
Evan Daykin Facility for Rare Isotope Beams   OH          
Anton Derbenev Brookhaven National Laboratory BS OH MC PVA AD CSS EC
Dejan Dežman Cosylab d.d. BS     PVA   CSS  
Nicholas DiMonte Argonne National Laboratory   OH MC        
Richard Farnsworth Brookhaven National Laboratory BS OH MC        
Daniel Flath SLAC National Accelerator Lab / LCLS BS            
Thomas Fors Argonne National Laboratory   OH   PVA      
Kurt Goetze Argonne National Laboratory   OH MC        
Kazimierz Gofron Brookhaven National Laboratory     MC   AD CSS  
Ray Gregory Oak Ridge National Laboratory         AD CSS  
Andrei Pereira Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS) BS OH   PVA      
Steven Hartman Oak Ridge National Laboratory       PVA     EC
Junkes Heinz Fritz-Haber-Institut       PVA AD   EC
Bruce Hill SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory BS     PVA AD   EC
Jeff Hill Los Alamos National Laboratory BS OH MC       EC
Oksana Ivashkevych Brookhaven National Laboratory BS OH MC PVA      
Dariusz Jarosz Argonne National Laboratory   OH          
Alan Jaski Argonne National Laboratory BS OH MC        
Peter Jemian Argonne National Laboratory BS OH MC        
Andrew Johnson Argonne National Laboratory             EC
Kay Kasemir Oak Ridge National Laboratory           CSS  
Jaewoo Kim Dong Young Techone           CSS  
Jeff Kirchman Argonne National Laboratory BS OH MC        
Niko Kivel Paul Scherrer Institute BS OH MC PVA AD CSS EC
Martin Konrad Facility for Rare Isotope Beams   OH         EC
Timo Korhonen European Spallation Source ERIC   OH   PVA     EC
Martin Kraimer ANL retired       PVA AD   EC
Keenan Lang Argonne National Laboratory     MC   AD   EC
Ralph Lange ITER Organization       PVA   CSS EC
Ken Lauer SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory BS   MC   AD    
Zachary Lentz SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory BS OH MC        
Thomas Lohnert UK Research & Innovation BS OH          
Paul Lotrus CEA       PVA      
Timothy Madden Argonne National Laboratory   OH   PVA      
Bruno Martins Facility for Rare Isotope Beams         AD    
Lucas Maziero Russo LNLS BS OH   PVA      
Jeremy Mock SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory BS OH   PVA      
Tim Mooney Argonne National Laboratory BS OH MC        
James Morad Cosylab USA BS   MC   AD    
Geonyeong Mun Pohang Accelerator Laboratory BS OH          
Matthew Newville The University of Chicago BS            
Diego Omitto Facility for Rare Isotope Beams     MC   AD    
Joon Hyuk Park Dong Young Techone BS OH          
Dan Paskvan Argonne National Laboratory   OH MC        
Ulrik Pedersen Diamond Light Source         AD   EC
Kevin Peterson Argonne National Laboratory BS   MC   AD    
Ryan Pierce Analytics Lounge, NFP BS OH          
Jukka Pietarinen Micro-Research Finland Oy   OH          
Anthony Pietryla Argonne National Laboratory BS OH   PVA      
Andraz Pozar ANSTO BS OH   PVA      
Maksim Rakitin Brookhaven National Laboratory BS            
Teddy Rendahl SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory BS   MC        
Mark Rivers University of Chicago/CARS BS   MC   AD    
Joao Rodrigues SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory BS   MC   AD CSS  
Christian Roehrig Argonne National Laboratory BS OH MC        
Will Rogers Diamond Light Source           CSS  
Chi Kook Ryu Dong Young Techone BS OH          
Rok Sabjan Cosylab USA       PVA      
Nicholas Schwarz Argonne National Laboratory BS       AD    
Hairong Shang Argonne National Laboratory           CSS  
Guobao Shen Argonne National Laboratory       PVA AD CSS EC
Steve Shoaf Argonne National Laboratory   OH          
Kunal Shroff OspreyDCS           CSS EC
Zhao Shutao Institute of High Energy Physics BS OH MC PVA AD CSS EC
Hugo Slepicka SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory BS     PVA AD   EC
Marty Smith Argonne National Laboratory   OH MC        
Alex Sobhani Brookhaven National Laboratory BS OH MC        
James Stevens Argonne National Laboratory   OH MC        
Joe Sullivan Argonne National Laboratory BS   MC   AD    
Zoe Taylor CSIRO     MC        
Bryan Tester Diamond Light Source BS            
Sinisa Veseli Argonne National Laboratory       PVA AD   EC
Klemen Vodopivec Oak Ridge National Laboratory       PVA     EC
Chunhong Wang IHEP     MC     CSS EC
Andrew Wilson Diamond Light Source   OH MC        
Max Wyman Argonne National Laboratory BS OH MC        
Dehong Zhang SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory BS OH MC   AD    
Ke Zhang Brookhaven National Laboratory BS OH MC PVA AD CSS EC
Tong Zhang Michigan State University BS OH   PVA   CSS EC

91 registered workshop participants