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Subject: RE: CAMAC problems
From: [email protected] (Garrett D. Rinehart)
To: [email protected], [email protected]
Date: Tue, 17 Mar 1998 16:31:27 -0600
> >Is there a debug I can invoke to see what 
> >the 2992 is reading? I know the data is good as of the CAMAC 
> >backplane. After that, how can I tell what it is?
> There is a "bcnaf" function included in the util directory.  This should allow
> you to issue CAMAC commands from the vxWorks shell and see the raw data that
> comes back through the ht2992.

Um, okay... how do I get this built/loaded and how do I run it?

> If I were to make a wild guess, I would suspect something screwy is going on
> with the range specifications.  Are you using the generic device support, or
> one of your own?  What does the CAMAC address specification in the INP field of
> the record look like?

Well, to make this easier, I just sent a copy of a very brief database I'm using in 
my test. As for the device support, I'm using the CAMAC device support that I got 
once upon a time from CEBAF... I think. To be perfectly honest, I'm not entirely sure 
what all the nonsense between the base.dbd, *Include.dbd, Makefile.Vx's LIBOBJS, 
RECwhatever, and other junk adds up to. For all I know, I've got five year old device 
support trying to compile into the latest EPICS. For all I know, that's what I'm 
supposed to have! All I know is that I finally got everything to compile and load 
without a bunch of complaints, and it mostly works (at least it looked that way).

I also have an update to the situation. Yesterday afternoon, I booted the ioc from an 
old epics The results were the same there as under 3.13.0.b11. Does that 
mean 1)it's not the EPICS, 2)I did something wrong both times, or 3)the hardware is 
at fault.

But wait! Don't answer yet! There's more. I added an ao record to my test. With it, I 
can write any number I want to the CAMAC crate (I write it to a dataway display). 
When writing, any single bit works just fine. When reading, bits 7 and up still only 
work in groups.

Oh and it does the same thing in both "bit serial" and "byte serial" modes.

Unfortunately, we're running now, so I can't go yanking boards to test more boards 
than I already have (our spares).

So, anyone have any more input?

-- Garrett

Attachment: 2232test.database
Description: 2232test.database

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