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Subject: 3.14 build system doesn't cope with hyphens in IOC names
From: "Denison, PN \(Peter\)" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 13:48:22 +0100
The build system in R3.14 won't cope with IOC names containing hyphens
(or any other character permitted in filenames, but not permitted in C
identifiers). This is a problem for us with our current naming
convention. It occurs because the auto-generated
<name>_registerRecordDeviceDriver.cpp file uses the app name to
construct a function <name>_registerRecordDeviceDriver() that is then
called from the st.cmd file.

The following patch to base just converts all the non-allowed characters
in the app name to underscores. Unfortunately, it relies on a change to
the ioc templates for makeBaseApp.pl, introducing a "_CSAFEAPPNAME_"
substitution where previously there was just "_APPNAME_". 

Is this a candidate for sneaking into R3.14.8? Can anyone suggest a
better way?

Index: src/registry/registerRecordDeviceDriver.pl
--- src/registry/registerRecordDeviceDriver.pl	(revision 67)
+++ src/registry/registerRecordDeviceDriver.pl	(working copy)
@@ -15,6 +15,11 @@
 $numberDeviceSupport = 0;
 $numberDriverSupport = 0;
+# PND 2005-08-31 avoid C errors by using only allowed characters in
+# Requires a corresponding change in the substitution of st.cmd files
+$c_bad_ident_chars = '[^0-9A-Za-z_]';
+$subname =~ s/$c_bad_ident_chars/_/g;
 open(INP,"$file") or die "$! opening file";
 while(<INP>) {
     next if m/ ^ \s* \# /x;
Index: src/makeBaseApp/top/iocBoot/ioc/st.cmd@Common
--- src/makeBaseApp/top/iocBoot/ioc/st.cmd@Common	(revision 67)
+++ src/makeBaseApp/top/iocBoot/ioc/st.cmd@Common	(working copy)
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 ## Register all support components
 ## Load record instances
Index: src/makeBaseApp/top/iocBoot/ioc/st.cmd@RTEMS
--- src/makeBaseApp/top/iocBoot/ioc/st.cmd@RTEMS	(revision 67)
+++ src/makeBaseApp/top/iocBoot/ioc/st.cmd@RTEMS	(working copy)
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 ## Register all support components
 ## Load record instances
Index: src/makeBaseApp/top/iocBoot/ioc/st.cmd@vxWorks
--- src/makeBaseApp/top/iocBoot/ioc/st.cmd@vxWorks	(revision 67)
+++ src/makeBaseApp/top/iocBoot/ioc/st.cmd@vxWorks	(working copy)
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 ## Register all support components
 cd top
 ## Load record instances
Index: src/makeBaseApp/makeBaseApp.pl
--- src/makeBaseApp/makeBaseApp.pl	(revision 67)
+++ src/makeBaseApp/makeBaseApp.pl	(working copy)
@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@
 %release = (TOP => $app_top);
 @apps   = (TOP);
+$c_bad_ident_chars = '[^0-9A-Za-z_]';
 &GetUser;		# Ensure we know who's in charge
 &readRelease("configure/RELEASE", \%release, \@apps) if (-r
 &readRelease("configure/RELEASE.$ENV{EPICS_HOST_ARCH}", \%release,
@@ -93,6 +95,7 @@
     $line =~ s/_TEMPLATE_TOP_/$app_template_top/go;
     $line =~ s/_TOP_/$app_top/go;
     $line =~ s/_APPNAME_/$appname/g;
+    $line =~ s/_CSAFEAPPNAME_/$csafeappname/g;
     $line =~ s/_APPTYPE_/$apptype/go;
     $line =~ s/_ARCH_/$arch/go if ($opt_i);
     $line =~ s/_IOC_/$ioc/g if ($ioc);
@@ -122,6 +125,7 @@
     foreach $ioc ( @ARGV ) {
 	($appname = $ioc) =~ s/App$//;
+	($csafeappname = $appname) =~ s/$c_bad_ident_chars/_/g;
 	$ioc = "ioc" . $ioc unless ($ioc =~ /^ioc/);
         if (-d "iocBoot/$ioc") {
 	    print "iocBoot/$ioc exists, not modified.\n";
@@ -137,6 +141,7 @@
 foreach $app ( @ARGV ) {
     ($appname = $app) =~ s/App$//;
+    ($csafeappname = $appname) =~ s/$c_bad_ident_chars/_/g;
     $appdir  = $appname . "App";
     if (-d "$appdir") {
 	print "$appname exists, not modified.\n";

Peter Denison, Senior Software Engineer
Diamond Light Source Ltd., Diamond House, Chilton, Didcot, Oxon, OX11
Tel: +44 1235 778511

Re: 3.14 build system doesn't cope with hyphens in IOC names Ernest L. Williams Jr.

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