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<== Date ==> <== Thread ==>

Subject: Re: Possible Bug in 3.14.9 Access Security on mv2100
From: Dirk Zimoch <[email protected]>
To: Jeff Hill <[email protected]>
Cc: "'Ralph Lange'" <[email protected]>, "'EPICS Tech Talk'" <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2007 18:00:32 +0200

I have the long int problem with gcc 3.2.3 when using -O2 or higher. No problem with -O1 or gcc 4.1.1.
I have added a bugnote to Mantis.


Jeff Hill wrote:
In May, I reported a bug to the Mantis bugtracker which has not even been assigned until now. (Maybe posting it to tech-talk helps.)

Actually, from my perspective Mantis _is_ the best _first_ place to report bugs because at least we have a list and if we neglect to take care of an issue it stays on the list and it will get handled eventually.

Nevertheless, public disclosure on tech-talk is probably also a good way to
get the author's attention should they be busy with other tasks :-)

I had another look at Mantis 291 and it does appear that this is probably
one and the same as the gcc bug that is mentioned in the release notes. To
confirm that conclusion I am requesting that you let us know what version of
gcc was used. Thanks in advance.

PS: Here is my addition to the release notes concerning the GCC bug:

During testing of R3.14.9 I see a bug showing up only in optimized builds on
Linux using g++ 3.2.3 that I don't see with other compilers. This bug
appears to be related to failure of this particular compiler to follow the
strict alias rules specified in the standard when optimizing the byte
swapping templates installed for R3.14.9.

Red hat Linux g++ 3.2.3 when -O3 is specified
No problems
mingw g++ 3.4.2 -O3
Tornado 2.02 g++ -O2
Microsoft C++ 2005 full optimization builds

PPS: Sorry about neglecting to jump on this earlier.


-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
On Behalf Of Andrew Johnson
Sent: Friday, August 17, 2007 8:49 AM
To: Dirk Zimoch
Cc: EPICS Tech Talk; Ralph Lange
Subject: Re: Possible Bug in 3.14.9 Access Security on mv2100

Dirk Zimoch wrote:
In May, I reported a bug to the Mantis bugtracker which has not even been assigned until now. (Maybe posting it to tech-talk helps.)

As a general rule if you *only* use Mantis to report a bug it might go for some time before even being noticed by the maintainers. Problems in Base that are described on tech-talk usually get looked at within a day or two, and that's almost invariably going to be a better and faster approach to getting fixes (it's much easier to have a conversation using email than through Mantis bug notes).

- Andrew

-- Dr. Dirk Zimoch Paul Scherrer Institut, WBGB/006 5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland Phone +41 56 310 5182

Possible Bug in 3.14.9 Access Security on mv2100 Ralph Lange
Re: Possible Bug in 3.14.9 Access Security on mv2100 Steven Hartman
Re: Possible Bug in 3.14.9 Access Security on mv2100 Ralph Lange
Re: Possible Bug in 3.14.9 Access Security on mv2100 Ralph Lange
Re: Possible Bug in 3.14.9 Access Security on mv2100 Dirk Zimoch
Re: Possible Bug in 3.14.9 Access Security on mv2100 Andrew Johnson
RE: Possible Bug in 3.14.9 Access Security on mv2100 Jeff Hill

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