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Subject: CA inside IOC - shutdown problem
From: Heinrich du Toit <[email protected]>
To: TechTalk EPICS <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 28 Sep 2007 08:41:56 +0200

I'm running CA in side my IOC.

Everything works fine but at shutdown I get some funny errors at times.

One thing that happens is I get:
epicsThreadOnceOsd epicsMutexLock failed

And other times I get:
epicsThread: Unknown C++ exception in thread "CAC-UDP" at Fri Sep 28
2007 08:39:57.528629432
terminate called after throwing an instance of ''
FATAL: exception not rethrown
Aborted (core dumped)

But this doesn't happen everytime.
Seem to be something todo with timing during exit?
I have a hooked epicsatExit function.
This makes sure ca_clear_channel is called for every CHID I have.
I don't call ca_destroy_context as that seem to be done by shutdown

Can somebody just give me a tip on what those error messages mean? Then
maybe I can guess what the bug is.

Also sometimes (1 out of 30+ times) I get a segfault while starting the
IOC?  Is it dangerous todo some CA stuff during some stages of the IOC


Re: CA inside IOC - shutdown problem Andrew Johnson

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