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Subject: Gateway questions
From: "Leicester, PJ \(Pete\)" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2007 15:51:17 -0000
Title: Message
have a few gateway question:-
1) We have just configured a couple of new gateways. When we first ran them they repeatedly wrote the following error message to the gateway log file every 15 seconds even though the gateway appeared to be working OK.
../../../../src/cas/io/bsdSocket/casDGIntfIO.cc: CA beacon socket disconnect error was "Network is unreachable"
Dec 11 12:02:34 !!! Errlog message received (message is above)
After some experimentation we found we could get rid of the error by adding a 'default' route to the routing tables on the host machine. We actually set up a default route to a non-existent IP address.
Is this a problem with the gateway software or have we missed something in our gateway configuration? (We are running gateway version
2) I notice that a '-archive' option has appeared in the latest gateway. We currently run a separate additional gateway exclusively for our archiver with the '-mask l' option to ensure we don't archive anything based on MDEL (a parallel gateway serves PV's to edm and other clients). What is the difference between '-archive' and '-mask l'? Should I now revert to having a single 'gateway -archive' for both the archiver and other (edm) clients? Would I gain/lose anything?
3) Where do I find a summary of the changes between gateway version and the two later versions and
Pete  Leicester
Senior Software Engineer
Diamond Light Source Ltd.
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Re: Gateway questions Ralph Lange
RE: Gateway questions Jeff Hill

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