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Subject: archiveviewer - Error in data header
From: Devin Bougie <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2008 15:36:50 -0500
Hi, All. We've started to see "Error in data header" errors when trying to view more than 55 days of archived data for some channels. For example, if I try to plot from "-55d" to "now", everything works. If I try to plot from "-56d" to "now" I get an error. Likewise, "-60d" to "-5d" works, but "-60d" to "-4d" does not.

Is there anything I should look at or try before using ArchiveDataTool to copy the existing archive to a new one? Here are examples of some of the errors we see in archserver.log.

Many thanks,

11/20/2008 14:50:31 ---- ArchiveServer 2.9.2 Started ----
11/20/2008 14:50:31 Client: Apache XML-RPC 1.2-a3-dev @
11/20/2008 14:50:31 archiver.get_values
11/20/2008 14:50:31 how=3, count=785
11/20/2008 14:50:31 get_channel_data
11/20/2008 14:50:31 Method: Plot-Binning, 6168.15 sec bins
11/20/2008 14:50:31 Start: 09/25/2008 14:50:31.824000000
11/20/2008 14:50:31 End : 11/20/2008 14:50:31.824000000
11/20/2008 14:50:31 Open index, key 1 = '/arch/all.xml'
11/20/2008 14:50:31 Handling 'YP1FIA02_GFL_cplr1_win'
11/20/2008 14:50:36 Error:
../RawDataReader.cpp (277): Error in data header '/arch/data/l0', '2008/11_19/20081119-3' @ 0x00D615F7 for channel 'YP1
../DataFile.cpp (105): Cannot reference '/arch/data/ l0/2008/11_19/20081119-3'
11/20/2008 14:50:36 ArchiveServer ran 4.17315 seconds


11/20/2008 14:51:54 ---- ArchiveServer 2.9.2 Started ----
11/20/2008 14:51:54 Client: Apache XML-RPC 1.2-a3-dev @
11/20/2008 14:51:54 archiver.get_values
11/20/2008 14:51:54 how=3, count=785
11/20/2008 14:51:54 get_channel_data
11/20/2008 14:51:54 Method: Plot-Binning, 6278.22 sec bins
11/20/2008 14:51:54 Start: 09/24/2008 14:51:54.715000000
11/20/2008 14:51:54 End : 11/20/2008 14:51:54.715000000
11/20/2008 14:51:54 Open index, key 1 = '/arch/all.xml'
11/20/2008 14:51:54 Handling 'YP1FIA02_GFL_cplr1_win'
11/20/2008 14:51:58 Error:
../RawDataReader.cpp (277): Error in data header '/arch/data/l0', '2008/11_18/20081118-5' @ 0x01410958 for channel 'YP1
../DataFile.cpp (105): Cannot reference '/arch/data/ l0/2008/11_18/20081118-5'
11/20/2008 14:51:58 ArchiveServer ran 4.17804 seconds


11/20/2008 14:52:35 ---- ArchiveServer 2.9.2 Started ----
11/20/2008 14:52:35 Client: Apache XML-RPC 1.2-a3-dev @
11/20/2008 14:52:35 archiver.get_values
11/20/2008 14:52:35 how=3, count=785
11/20/2008 14:52:35 get_channel_data
11/20/2008 14:52:35 Method: Plot-Binning, 6058.09 sec bins
11/20/2008 14:52:35 Start: 09/21/2008 14:52:35.093000000
11/20/2008 14:52:35 End : 11/15/2008 14:52:35.093000000
11/20/2008 14:52:35 Open index, key 1 = '/arch/all.xml'
11/20/2008 14:52:35 Handling 'YP1FIA02_GFL_cplr1_win'
11/20/2008 14:52:39 Error:
../RawDataReader.cpp (277): Error in data header '/arch/data/l0', '2008/11_15/20081115-13' @ 0x01C6AADE for channel 'YP
../DataFile.cpp (105): Cannot reference '/arch/data/ l0/2008/11_15/20081115-13'
11/20/2008 14:52:39 ArchiveServer ran 4.14733 seconds

Re: archiveviewer - Error in data header Kasemir, Kay

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