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Subject: RE: asyn R4.10, R4.11, R4.12
From: "Szalata, Zenon M." <[email protected]>
To: "Mark Rivers" <[email protected]>, "Eric Norum" <[email protected]>
Cc: TECHTALK Tech-Talk <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 6 Dec 2009 13:55:37 -0800
Hi Mark and Thank you,
I applied the patch as instructed and now my IOC works with asyn R4.12.
So, for me the problem is fixed.  I will do more testing.


-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Rivers [mailto:[email protected]] 
Sent: Sunday, December 06, 2009 9:54 AM
To: Szalata, Zenon M.; Eric Norum
Cc: TECHTALK Tech-Talk
Subject: RE: asyn R4.10, R4.11, R4.12

Hi Zen,
I think the best solution to this is for the default implementation of
asynOctet->getInputEos and getOutputEos to return asynSuccess and
I've attached a patch for asynOctetBase.c against the R4-12 release.
Can you give it a try and see if it fixes the problem?


From: Szalata, Zenon M. [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Sun 12/6/2009 10:51 AM
To: Mark Rivers; Eric Norum
Cc: TECHTALK Tech-Talk
Subject: RE: asyn R4.10, R4.11, R4.12

Hi Mark,
Here is the result of dbpr "CAM:ASYN:IO",5:

epics> dbpr "CAM:ASYN:IO",5
ACKS: NO_ALARM      ACKT: YES           ACMD: None          ADDR: 12

AINP:               AOUT:               AQR: 0              ASG:

ASP: 0x00000000     AUCT: autoConnect   BAUD: Unknown       BINP: 0

BKPT: 0x00          BOUT: 0             CNCT: Connect       DBIT:
DESC: asyn IO       DISA: 0             DISP: 0             DISS:
DISV: 1             DPVT: 0xf0f85c09    DRVINFO:            DSET:
DTYP: asynRecordDevice                  ENBL: Enable        EOMR: None

ERRS: 0xd8fb5c09    EVNT: 0             F64INP: 0           F64IV: 0

F64OUT: 0           FCTL: Unknown       FLNK:DB_LINK CAM:FO:IO:DATA

GPIBIV: 1           I32INP: 0           I32IV: 1            I32OUT: 0

IEOS:               IFACE: asynOctet    IFMT: Binary        IMAX: 80

IPTR: 0x28fb5c09    LCNT: 0             LSET: 0xd0d35d09    MCTL:
MLIS: 0x000000000000000000000000        MLOK: 0xd8f85c09    NAME:
NAWT: 0             NORD: 0             NOWT: 6             NRRD: 0


OFMT: Binary        OMAX: 80            OPTIONIV: 1         OPTR:
PACT: 0             PCNCT: Connect      PHAS: 0             PINI: NO

PORT: L0            PPN: 0x00000000     PPNR: 0x00000000    PRIO: LOW

PROC: 0             PRTY: Unknown       PUTF: 0             RDES:
REASON: 0           RPRO: 0             RSET: 0x008a5b00    SBIT:
SCAN: Passive       SDIS:CONSTANT       SEVR: NO_ALARM      SOCK:

SPR: 0              SPVT: 0x00000000    STAT: NO_ALARM      TB0: On

TB1: Off            TB2: Off            TB3: Off            TB4: Off

TFIL: Unknown       TIB0: Off           TIB1: Off           TIB2: Off

TIME: 2009-12-06 08:51:04.871003000     TINP:               TIOM: 0

TMOD: Write/Read    TMOT: 1             TMSK: 1             TPRO: 0

TSE: 0              TSEL:CONSTANT       TSIZ: 80            UCMD: None

UDF: 0              UI32INP: 0          UI32IV: 0           UI32MASK:
UI32OUT: 0          VAL:               


-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Rivers [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Saturday, December 05, 2009 9:43 PM
To: Szalata, Zenon M.; Eric Norum
Cc: TECHTALK Tech-Talk
Subject: RE: asyn R4.10, R4.11, R4.12

Are you using the asyn record?  If so, then do a

dbpr "myAsynRecord" 5

to see what you have set the EOS string to.



From: [email protected] on behalf of Szalata, Zenon M.
Sent: Sat 12/5/2009 11:38 PM
To: Eric Norum
Cc: TECHTALK Tech-Talk
Subject: RE: asyn R4.10, R4.11, R4.12

I am not aware of explicitly specifying the EOS string.  I thought that
EOS string was not used and only the EOI was.  That is, the KS3988 GPIB
CAMAC crate controller does not require nor accepts an EOS string.  I
maybe wrong on this.  Perhaps, somehow unwittingly I am sending some EOS
string?  How can I verify that?

Actually, in my original message I told a lie, I am not using
streamdevice, just asyn.

Why does it work with asyn R4.9 and not with the newer versions?  Is it
possible that starting with R4.10 default behavior changed?  Could it
be, that starting with R4.10 I have to explicitly say no EOS?


-----Original Message-----
From: Eric Norum [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Saturday, December 05, 2009 9:01 PM
To: Szalata, Zenon M.
Cc: TECHTALK Tech-Talk
Subject: Re: asyn R4.10, R4.11, R4.12

The E5810A allows only a single EOS character.  Are you trying to use a
longer end-of-string?

On Dec 5, 2009, at 8:51 PM, Szalata, Zenon M. wrote:

> Hi Eric,
> I am using Agilent E5810A.
> Here is a line from the st.cmd file:
> vxi11Configure( "L0","",0,0.0,"gpib0",0,0)
> Thank you,
> Zen
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Eric Norum [mailto:[email protected]]
> Sent: Saturday, December 05, 2009 8:35 PM
> To: Szalata, Zenon M.
> Subject: Re: asyn R4.10, R4.11, R4.12
> What GPIB controller are you using?
> On Dec 5, 2009, at 5:42 PM, Szalata, Zenon M. wrote:
>> I have a simple soft IOC which uses asyn and streamdevice.  It does
>> with KS3988 GPIB CAMAC crate controller.  The IOC works correctly
>> asyn R4.9.  I have installed asyn R4.12 and my IOC does not work with

>> asyn R4.12.  I get the following message: "EOS TOO LONG".  I also
> tried
>> asyn R4.11 and R4.10 I see the same message with these the two
> versions
>> of asyn as I see with the latest.
>> How do I overcome this difficulty?  Do these newer versions of asyn 
>> require that I make some change to my IOC?  Can someone help me with 
>> this, please?
>> For now I am forced to stay with asyn R4.9.
>> Thanks,
>> Zen
> --
> Eric Norum
> [email protected]

Eric Norum
[email protected]

Re: asyn R4.10, R4.11, R4.12 Eric Norum
asyn R4.10, R4.11, R4.12 Szalata, Zenon M.
Re: asyn R4.10, R4.11, R4.12 Eric Norum
RE: asyn R4.10, R4.11, R4.12 Szalata, Zenon M.
RE: asyn R4.10, R4.11, R4.12 Mark Rivers
RE: asyn R4.10, R4.11, R4.12 Szalata, Zenon M.
RE: asyn R4.10, R4.11, R4.12 Mark Rivers

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