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Subject: Re: CSS BOY Meter widget limits
From: Andrew Johnson <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2011 09:55:57 -0600
Hi Paweł,

On Tuesday 25 January 2011 09:17:08 Paweł Prędki wrote:
> The thing is the HIHI, HIGH, LOW and LOLO values are initialized in the
> record but BOY doesn't seem to be loading them. The record I'm referring
> to is as follows:
> record(ao,DISK:FORWARDING") {
>    field(DESC,"Forwarding Throughput")
>    field(DTYP,"Raw Soft Channel")
>    field(EGU,"Gbps")
>    field(OMSL,"supervisory")
>    field(DRVL,0.0)
>    field(DRVH,10.0)
>    field(LOPR,0.0)
>    field(HOPR,10.0)
>    field(HIHI,8.0)
>    field(HIGH,7.0);
>    field(LOW, 1.0);
>    field(LOLO,0.0)
> }

The IOC also checks that you have something other than NO_ALARM in the 
relevant xxSV field before it will provide the limit through CA, otherwise it 
would have no way to tell whether your LOLO limit is an alarm limit or just 
the default value for the LOLO field.  You must set LLSV, LOSV, HISV and HHSV 
if you want those values made available to BOY.

- Andrew
If a man is offered a fact which goes against his instincts, he will
scrutinize it closely, and unless the evidence is overwhelming, he will
refuse to believe it.  If, on the other hand, he is offered something
which affords a reason for acting in accordance to his instincts, he
will accept it even on the slightest evidence.  -- Bertrand Russell

Re: CSS BOY Meter widget limits Paweł Prędki
Re: CSS BOY Meter widget limits Kasemir, Kay
Re: CSS BOY Meter widget limits Paweł Prędki

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