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Subject: Error vxi11 with Lecroy 760Zi
From: DENIS Jean-françois <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2011 11:14:01 +0100
Title: Error vxi11 with Lecroy 760Zi

I want to control a Lecroy scope WavePro 760Zi with EPICS. This scope integrate a vxi11 server.
I don't know how to do it. Many solutions

I think to start the simplest solution is with ASYN and STREAM DEVICE, but I have problem.
My configuration is:

st.cmd => vxi11Configure("TCP_SCOPE","",1,0.0,"inst0",0,0)

Lecroy.db => record(waveform, "$(NOMOP):IDN")
         field(DTYP, "stream")
         field(INP, "@Lecroy_proto.db test TCP_SCOPE")
         field(NELM, "200")
         field(FTVL, "STRING")

lecroy_proto.db => test{
                        out "*IDN?";
                        in "%s";

Error =>
        iocLecroyLx > 2011/02/14 08:48:04.125 TCP_SCOPE vxi11 clientCall errno Permission denied clnt_stat 5
        2011/02/14 08:48:04.125 TCP_SCOPE vxiCreateIrqChannel (create_intr_chan): RPC: Timed out

        2011/02/14 08:48:04.125 TCP_SCOPE Warning -- SRQ not operational.
        2011/02/14 08:48:08.126 TCP_SCOPE vxi11 clientCall errno Success clnt_stat 5
        TCP_SCOPE vxiSrqEnable RPC error : RPC: Timed out

        2011/02/14 08:48:08.126 TCP_SCOPE asynGpib:pollAddr srqEnable
        2011/02/14 08:48:12.126 TCP_SCOPE vxi11 clientIoCall errno Success clnt_stat 5
        2011/02/14 08:48:12.126 TCP_SCOPE Lecoy:IDN: asynError in write: TCP_SCOPE RPC failed

I don't understand why...

Another solution is to install a EPICS base on the scope (windows 7), and use their library ActiveDSO. Is it a good idea?


Jean-François DENIS
CEA Saclay

RE: Error vxi11 with Lecroy 760Zi Mark Rivers

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