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Subject: Re: epicsQt plugin build errors
From: Andrew Johnson <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Date: Thu, 3 Nov 2011 16:40:55 -0500

On 2011-11-03 Martin Konrad wrote:
> Please make sure that you have something like
>     -lca \
>     -lCom \
>     -L$$(QCAFRAMEWORK)/qwt-5.2.1/lib \
>     -lqwt

It's possible that your link order might be a problem, make sure that you link 
against the ca and Com libraries *after* linking any libraries that calls 
them.  In the above case I would suggest moving the -lca and -lCom options 
after the -lqwt.

- Andrew
Optimization is the process of taking something that works and
replacing it with something that almost works, but costs less.
-- Roger Needham

Re: epicsQt plugin build errors Benjamin Franksen
epicsQt plugin build errors Zhang Yuliang
Re: epicsQt plugin build errors Martin Konrad

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