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Subject: starting Archive Engines
From: James F Ross <[email protected]>
To: EPICS Tech Talk <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 11:39:20 -0400
Hello all,
I've managed to start an RDB archive engine using an xml file from the old channel archiver setup at STAR. 

However, I feel like I'm doing something wrong.  The engine runs on the command line and none of the channels are connected, though I can see it at localhost:4913/main.

Here is how I start it: ./ArchiveEngine -engine CANbusRDB -port 4913

The SNS site documentation has -rdb_url, -rdb_user, and -rdb_password listed as options that should be used, but none of those are listed when I do ArchiveEngine -help and they throw an error when I use them to run the engine. I think they are built in to the plugin_customization.ini file for org.csstudio.archiver.engine, but they may still be needed on the command line.

Another bit of information is that I can't see this engine or RDB when I do a "show engines" or "show databases" from the archive user on mysql.  Perhaps I'm missing something that makes it run on mysql.


Re: starting Archive Engines James F Ross
Re: starting Archive Engines Kasemir, Kay

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