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Subject: sequencer + streamdevice
From: Christoph Burandt <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 14:07:10 +0100

I'm having trouble setting up an IOC which provides both, the sequencer and the streamdevice support at the same time.

Using "makeBaseApp -t ioc" allowed me to setup basic IOCs that support either the sequencer or the StreamDevice support. I therefore modified the files

I checked that the resulting IOCs are ok by typing "help" in the IOC shell -> either the "seq" or the "drvAsynIPPortConfigure" will be part of the list of supported commands. I could also execute the state machine from "makeBaseApp -t example".

If I try to write a Makefile which combines both features, "make" does not complain (as it seems to me). But "help" in the ioc shell tells me that "seq" is not a known command.

Can anyone explain what goes wrong here?

(The iocApp/src/Makefile of the "combined" IOC is attached)


M.Sc. Phys. Christoph Burandt
Technische Universität Darmstadt

include $(TOP)/configure/CONFIG
# Build the IOC support library

LIBRARY_IOC += streamSupport

# Link locally-provided code into the support library,
# rather than directly into the IOC application.

streamSupport_LIBS += $(EPICS_BASE_IOC_LIBS)

# Build the IOC application

PROD_IOC = stream
# stream.dbd will be created and installed
DBD += stream.dbd

# stream.dbd will be made up from these files:
stream_DBD += base.dbd

# stream_registerRecordDeviceDriver.cpp derives from stream.dbd
stream_SRCS += stream_registerRecordDeviceDriver.cpp

# Build the main IOC entry point on workstation OSs.
stream_SRCS_DEFAULT += streamMain.cpp
stream_SRCS_vxWorks += -nil-

# Add support from base/src/vxWorks if needed
#stream_OBJS_vxWorks += $(EPICS_BASE_BIN)/vxComLibrary

# Link in the code from the support library
stream_LIBS += streamSupport

# NOTE: To build SNL programs, SNCSEQ must be defined
# in the <top>/configure/RELEASE file

ifneq ($(SNCSEQ),)
    # Build sncExample into streamSupport
    sncExample_SNCFLAGS += +r
    stream_DBD += sncExample.dbd
    streamSupport_SRCS += sncExample.stt
    streamSupport_LIBS += seq pv
    stream_LIBS += seq pv

    # Build sncProgram as a standalone program
    PROD_HOST += sncProgram
    sncProgram_SNCFLAGS += +m
    sncProgram_SRCS += sncProgram.st
    sncProgram_LIBS += seq pv
    sncProgram_LIBS += $(EPICS_BASE_HOST_LIBS)

# Finally link to the EPICS Base libraries


include $(TOP)/configure/RULES

PROD_LIBS += stream
PROD_LIBS += asyn

Re: sequencer + streamdevice Andrew Johnson
RE: sequencer + streamdevice Emmanuel Mayssat

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