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Subject: Re: Prioritizing Channel Access per Record?
From: Brian Bevins <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 15:57:24 -0400
On 03/18/14 12:38, Ralph Lange wrote:
RTEMS uses real-time priorities, so the CA priority will have effect.

IOC-to-IOC connections have a higher CA priority by default (80), which might give you a somewhat indirect influence. (A soft IOC connecting to the "fast" channels will get them with higher CA priority than regular GUI clients or Gateways.)

The 'casr' command on the IOC will list the priorities of all current CA connections.

Hmm. When I run casr on my ioc, I get back one priority value per client, not one per channel. And all of the priorities are currently zero. Should this output look different if I were setting priority on a per channel basis from the client?

I'm inclined to try the soft ioc test for the fast records, or maybe write a client to test priorities. That would get messy in practice, but should prove the principle. I was really hoping there was a way to do this from the server end.

Unfortunately since all the EDM client priorities default to zero, if I want to make this work with a custom client, it has to be for the (large number of) fast records since I can't make the priority of the (small number of) slow ones lower than zero.

Brian S. Bevins, PE
Computer Scientist / Mechanical Engineer
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility

     "The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false-face
      for the urge to rule it."
                                     -- H. L. Mencken

Re: Prioritizing Channel Access per Record? Andrew Johnson
Prioritizing Channel Access per Record? Brian Bevins
Re: Prioritizing Channel Access per Record? Ralph Lange
Re: Prioritizing Channel Access per Record? Brian Bevins
Re: Prioritizing Channel Access per Record? Ralph Lange

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