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Subject: Re: FW: EPICS 3.15.1
From: Ralph Lange <[email protected]>
To: EPICS Tech-Talk <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 15:25:35 +0100
On 04/12/2014 14:50, Mark Rivers wrote:
It keeps the module, its tests and examples nicely in the same source
structure (= code repository), which is good as they are usually
developed in parallel.
Where is this documented?  I took a quick look in the 3.15.1 Application Developer's Guide and did not find it.

Does the 3.15 makeBaseApp.pl script or some other script have an example of how to use this?

Ehhm... Excellent points, actually.

As far as I recall, creating a directory named *Top in the top level of your support module is (read: should be) sufficient. This e.g. "exampleTop" contains the complete embedded (possibly makeBaseApp-generated) TOP structure, with configure/RELEASE pointing to "$(TOP)/.." for the support module it is embedded in. Some of the EPICS V4 modules were the first ones to use this.


EPICS 3.15.1 Dudley, David
FW: EPICS 3.15.1 Dudley, David
RE: FW: EPICS 3.15.1 Dudley, David
Re: FW: EPICS 3.15.1 Michael Davidsaver
RE: FW: EPICS 3.15.1 Mooney, Tim M.
Re: FW: EPICS 3.15.1 Ralph Lange
RE: FW: EPICS 3.15.1 Mooney, Tim M.
Re: FW: EPICS 3.15.1 Ralph Lange
RE: FW: EPICS 3.15.1 Mark Rivers

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