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Subject: migration from old EPICS Base
From: Jiro Fujita <[email protected]>
To: EPICS tech-talk <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 2 Dec 2015 10:20:13 -0600
So, here is a question to people who has been in the control business for a while.  

At STAR experiment at Brookhaven National Lab, we still have some IOCs running EPICS Base 3.12 (as well as 3.13 and 3.14).  Since prior to EPICS 3.14, we could only use EPICS with VME boards, they are running on VME CPUs.  All of them are basically frozen systems.  We do boot them from a Linux host, but we have not made any changes to them for several years.  

As we try to deal with the aging older hardware, I have found that we are still using the following VME boards in those old EPICS Base 3.12 based IOCs: 

VMIVME 1111	64-bit High-Voltage Digital Input Board 
VMIVME 2232	32-Channel Relay Output Board
VMIVME 3122	16-bit Analog-To-Digital Converter Board
VMIVME 4116	8-Channel 16-bit Analog Output Board
LeCroy 1176 TDC	Time-to-Digital Converter Board
Acromag AVME 948X Digital I/O card

I realize many of VMIVME boards are listed in EPICS Hardware Support section, but many of them has no contact person listed (nor the code), not clear if it is supported in EPICS Base 3.14.  

Does anybody by any chance still use them with EPICS Base 3.14 or even 3.15?  If you do, please let me know.  Note that if we are to move VME IOCs to EPICS Base 3.14, it is very likely that we will use RTEMS instead of VxWorks (mostly cost issues).  So any experiences of migrating from VxWorks to RTEMS is also welcome.  

If anybody have replaced them to something newer that are better supported in EPICS Base 3.14/3.15, I am also interested to hear what you replaced them with.  

My thought is that anything that's currently running with EPICS Base 3.12 stable, we should leave them alone in general, given the lack of man power and budget to move them to newer systems.  However, my boss thinks otherwise, so I was given a task of looking into the possibilities and options.  

Re: migration from old EPICS Base Hartman, Steven M.

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