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Subject: RE: Is anyone building AreaDetector with Sumo?
From: Mark Rivers via Tech-talk <[email protected]>
To: 'Jeong Han Lee' <[email protected]>
Cc: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2019 20:23:51 +0000
>  I have to confess one more thing, for the our environment at ESS, we don't need to care about other modules support if they are not dependent upon the source directly when we compile a module. When we start an IOC, we have to define this kind of dependency within startup scripts.

The busy module, for example, is not needed when compiling the PointGrey driver, but it is needed when linking the IOC application.  You say it is only needed when "starting" an IOC, but it seems to me it is needed also when linking the IOC.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jeong Han Lee <[email protected]> 
Sent: Thursday, August 22, 2019 2:52 PM
To: Mark Rivers <[email protected]>
Cc: Johnson, Andrew N. <[email protected]>; [email protected]
Subject: Re: Is anyone building AreaDetector with Sumo?

Hi Mark,

On 8/22/19 8:04 PM, Mark Rivers wrote:
> Jeong wrote:
>         This is not true, and the following is the correct one.
> <pre>
>    ```
>         *  EPICS Base -> asyn -> ADCore <- ADSupport
>                                  |
>                                  V
>            Vendor Lib -> ADPointGrey -> FLIR Camera IOC application 
> ``` </pre>
> That is really not correct either.  The FLIR IOC application almost 
> always also depends on other synApps modules (busy, calc, autosave, 
> etc.).  Some are optional, but busy, for example, is not.
   Yes, Mark, you are correct, FLIR Camera IOC application needs the busy record. However, this busy dependency will be introduced within "DB record" inside the database and dbd file, not the source codes and compiling process if only we compile the pointGrey. I cannot see any header file dependency upon .d files within the pointGrey. In addition, the version which I am saying is R2-7. Please correct me if I am wrong.

   I have to confess one more thing, for the our environment at ESS, we don't need to care about other modules support if they are not dependent upon the source directly when we compile a module. When we start an IOC, we have to define this kind of dependency within startup scripts.

   So with your email, I think, Andrew may have the better idea then before.


> I would also like to point out that when one runs "make release" in 
> the top-level synApps support/ directory above areaDetector it will 
> correctly update areaDetector/configure/RELEASE_LIBS.local and 
> RELEASE_PRODS.local to use the versions defined in 
> synApps/support/configure/RELEASE
> For example here are snippets from
> areaDetector/configure/RELEASE_LIBS.local and RELEASE_PRODS.local 
> where ASYN, AREA_DETECTOR, and EPICS_BASE are set to nothing:
> ::::::::::::::
> #RELEASE Location of external products
> # Run "gnumake clean uninstall install" in the application
> # top directory each time this file is changed.
> # If using Debian packages then the following must be done:
> #  SUPPORT should be defined to be the root location of any modules 
> which should NOT come from the Debian package.
> #  Any modules which should come from the Debian package should be 
> commented out, except for EPICS_BASE.
> #  For example to use a newer version of asyn and areaDetector then 
> #  and ADSUPPORT here.  To use the Debian version of asyn then comment 
> out ASYN here.
> # If you don't want to install into $(TOP) then
> # define INSTALL_LOCATION_APP here
> #INSTALL_LOCATION_APP=<fullpathname>
> # ASYN is needed for base classes
> # ADSupport is needed by ADCore plugins
> # ADCORE for base classes and plugins
> .
> ::::::::::::::
> ::::::::::::::
> #RELEASE Location of external products
> # Run "gnumake clean uninstall install" in the application
> # top directory each time this file is changed.
> # If using Debian packages then the following must be done:
> #  SUPPORT should be defined to be the root location of any modules 
> which should NOT come from the Debian package.
> #  Any modules which should come from the Debian package should be 
> commented out, except for EPICS_BASE.
> #  For example to use a newer version of asyn and areaDetector then 
> #  and ADSUPPORT here, but comment out AUTOSAVE, BUSY, etc.
> # If you don't want to install into $(TOP) then
> # define INSTALL_LOCATION_APP here
> #INSTALL_LOCATION_APP=<fullpathname>
> # ASYN is needed for base classes
> # ADSupport is needed by ADCore plugins
> # ADCORE for base classes and plugins
> #AUTOSAVE is needed for save_restore
> .
> At the top level of synApps/support I then run "make release".
> corvette:~/devel>make release
> It then updates RELEASE_LIBS.local and RELEASE_PRODS.local to the 
> versions in use.
> ::::::::::::::
> #RELEASE Location of external products
> # Run "gnumake clean uninstall install" in the application
> # top directory each time this file is changed.
> # If using Debian packages then the following must be done:
> #  SUPPORT should be defined to be the root location of any modules 
> which should NOT come from the Debian package.
> #  Any modules which should come from the Debian package should be 
> commented out, except for EPICS_BASE.
> #  For example to use a newer version of asyn and areaDetector then 
> #  and ADSUPPORT here.  To use the Debian version of asyn then comment 
> out ASYN here.
> # If you don't want to install into $(TOP) then
> # define INSTALL_LOCATION_APP here
> #INSTALL_LOCATION_APP=<fullpathname>
> # ASYN is needed for base classes
> ASYN=$(SUPPORT)/asyn-4-36
> AREA_DETECTOR=$(SUPPORT)/areaDetector-3-7
> # ADSupport is needed by ADCore plugins
> # ADCORE for base classes and plugins
> EPICS_BASE=/corvette/usr/local/epics-devel/base-7.0.3
> .
> ::::::::::::::
> ::::::::::::::
> #RELEASE Location of external products
> # Run "gnumake clean uninstall install" in the application
> # top directory each time this file is changed.
> # If using Debian packages then the following must be done:
> #  SUPPORT should be defined to be the root location of any modules 
> which should NOT come from the Debian package.
> #  Any modules which should come from the Debian package should be 
> commented out, except for EPICS_BASE.
> #  For example to use a newer version of asyn and areaDetector then 
> #  and ADSUPPORT here, but comment out AUTOSAVE, BUSY, etc.
> # If you don't want to install into $(TOP) then
> # define INSTALL_LOCATION_APP here
> #INSTALL_LOCATION_APP=<fullpathname>
> # ASYN is needed for base classes
> ASYN=$(SUPPORT)/asyn-4-36
> AREA_DETECTOR=$(SUPPORT)/areaDetector-3-7
> # ADSupport is needed by ADCore plugins
> # ADCORE for base classes and plugins
> #AUTOSAVE is needed for save_restore
> AUTOSAVE=$(SUPPORT)/autosave-5-10
> # BUSY is needed for busy record
> BUSY=$(SUPPORT)/busy-1-7-2
> # CALC is needed for the sseq record that is used for the reset in 
> NDStats.template
> # and which is loaded into the example IOCs for general purpose use.
> # CALC is also needed for scalcout record that SSCAN uses
> CALC=$(SUPPORT)/calc-3-7-3
> .
> Thus in many cases it is not necessary to edit these files in 
> areaDetector/configure.
> Mark
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> *From:*[email protected] <[email protected]> 
> on behalf of Jeong Han Lee via Tech-talk <[email protected]>
> *Sent:* Wednesday, August 21, 2019 6:00 PM
> *To:* Johnson, Andrew N.; EPICS tech-talk
> *Subject:* Re: Is anyone building AreaDetector with Sumo?
> On 8/22/19 12:54 AM, Jeong Han Lee wrote:
>> Hi Andrew,
>> On 8/21/19 8:14 PM, Johnson, Andrew N. via Tech-talk wrote:
>>> I realise there probably aren't many sites out there using the HZB 
>>> Sumo package <https://goetzpf.bitbucket.io/sumo/>, but has anyone 
>>> who does use it worked out how to configure and build AreaDetector 
>>> with it, either as a series of separate modules or as one big module?
>>> Unlike most EPICS modules AreaDetector has multiple kinds of RELEASE 
>>> files that need to be populated, and a non-trivial configuration 
>>> process (which is well-documented 
>>> <https://areadetector.github.io/master/install_guide.html>).
>>> The Sumo tool automates the configuration and building of sets of 
>>> EPICS modules on demand, but I'm not sure if it can cope with 
>>> configuring AreaDetector. If someone has succeeded in doing so I 
>>> would be grateful to hear details or ideas how best to approach it - 
>>> I haven't tried yet and I will need to do that soon.
>>     If the Sumo tool does its job well with the most EPICS modules, I  
>>think, the tool does the same job on the AreaDetector also. But we may  
>>not use the current global configuration files of areadetector with 
>>the  Sumo tool, because here we (ESS) can build them as individual 
>>modules,  and combine "necessary components" to build "an Application" 
>>and run an  IOC without any issues.
>>     For example, in order to see images from a PointGrey  (FLIR) 
>>     Here (ESS), we define system libraries and ADSupport clearly in  
>>terms of OS. And we compile ADSupport as a module, And we compile 
>>ADCore  which has the maximum configuration options with both 
>>dependent  libraries (system and ADSupport) together. And we compile 
>>ADPointGrey  according to ADCore, ADSupport, and system libraries. 
>>(Note that the  vendor libraries also we have to consider.)
>>     The full dependent chain for my example (ignore system libraries 
>>and  vendor lib) is
>>     EPICS Base < Asyn < ADsupport < ADCore < ADPointGrey < FLIR 
>>Camera  IOC application
>         This is not true, and the following is the correct one.
> <pre>
>    ```
>         *  EPICS Base -> asyn -> ADCore <- ADSupport
>                                  |
>                                  V
>            Vendor Lib -> ADPointGrey -> FLIR Camera IOC application 
> ``` </pre>
>       Best,
>       Han
>>     In addition, you also have to consider how you would like to 
>>handle  all template files and configuration files in the different manners.
>>     BTW, how Debian-based facilities does handle the areadetector?
>>     HTH,
>>     Han
>>> - Andrew
>>> --
>>> Complexity comes for free, Simplicity you have to work for.

Re: Is anyone building AreaDetector with Sumo? Jeong Han Lee via Tech-talk
Is anyone building AreaDetector with Sumo? Johnson, Andrew N. via Tech-talk
Re: Is anyone building AreaDetector with Sumo? Jeong Han Lee via Tech-talk
Re: Is anyone building AreaDetector with Sumo? Jeong Han Lee via Tech-talk
Re: Is anyone building AreaDetector with Sumo? Mark Rivers via Tech-talk
Re: Is anyone building AreaDetector with Sumo? Jeong Han Lee via Tech-talk

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