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Subject: Error in dbd/HPE3631Atest.dbd" line 12090
From: lynn via Tech-talk <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
To: tech-talk at aps.anl.gov
Date: Thu, 29 Oct 2020 21:45:43 +0800 (CST)
Hi all,
    I use the ubuntu  20.04. epics 3.15.7.
    I try to do as these https://epics.anl.gov/modules/soft/asyn/R4-21/HowToDoSerial/HowToDoSerial_StreamDevice.html.
    I met the error when I execuate ./st.cmd.
## Register all support components
dbLoadDatabase "dbd/HPE3631Atest.dbd"
Declaration of recordtype(scalcout) preceeded full definition.
Error at or before "}" in file "dbd/HPE3631Atest.dbd" line 12090
HPE3631Atest_registerRecordDeviceDriver pdbbase
registerRecordDeviceDriver failed ao
registerRecordDeviceDriver failed fanout
registerRecordDeviceDriver failed histogram
registerRecordDeviceDriver failed longin
registerRecordDeviceDriver failed long
registerRecordDeviceDriver failed sel
registerRecordDeviceDriver failed stringoutout
registerRecordDeviceDriver failed permissive
registerRecordDeviceDriver failed printf
    First error,  line 12090 in file "dbd/HPE3631Atest.dbd" was these,
    field(INX, DBF_ULONG) {
        prompt("Compressed Array Inx")
recordtype(scalcout) {
}                                        #line 12090
device(scalcout, INST_IO, devscalcoutStream, "stream")
recordtype(stringout) {
    %#include "epicsTypes.h"
    %#include "link.h"
       The record of scalcout was empty and it's a readonly file.
       I tried it twice in three days, so I come here for some help. 



Re: Error in dbd/HPE3631Atest.dbd" line 12090 Johnson, Andrew N. via Tech-talk

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