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Subject: Re: FLNK doesn't process
From: William Kirstaedter via Tech-talk <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
To: tech-talk at aps.anl.gov
Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2022 12:06:05 +0100


Im hijacking this Thread because I have a similar problem but the suggested solution is not working.

we have the following db:

record(stringin, "$(P):$(R):getter"){
        field(DESC, "$(DESC) raw answer")
        field(DTYP, "stream")
        field(INP, "@maxigauge.proto getSensorValue($(CHA)) $(PORT)")
        field(SCAN, "1 second")
        field(FLNK, "$(P):$(R):Status.PROC CA")

record(scalcout, "$(P):$(R):Status"){
        field(DESC, "$(DESC)")
        field(INAA, "$(P):$(R):getter")
        field(CALC, "SSCANF(AA, \"%d%*\")")
        field(FLNK, "$(P):$(R):Pressure.PROC CA")

record(scalcout, "$(P):$(R):Pressure"){
        field(DESC, "$(DESC)")
        field(INAA, "$(P):$(R):getter")
        field(CALC, "SSCANF(AA, \"%*2c%E\")")
        field(PREC, "15")
        field(EGU, "mbar")
        field(ADEL, $(ADEL))
        field(MDEL, $(MDEL))

this ran fine until recently.
we dont know whats wrong now...
(original code was without ".PROC CA" and with PREC "12")

the problem is that the :getter PV continiously provides new values, while the :Status and :Pressure PVs slow down and stop updating when the Vacuum reaches Pressures in the Range <=1.0E-9.

>= 1.0E-7 its updating fast, around 8.0E-8 its only every minute or so and below it basically stops.

can anybody tell me why this is happening?

I first thought it was the unsufficient PREC but appearantly it isnt. :(

Thanks in Advance,


William Kirstaedter (PP&B) Fritz-Haber-Institut der MPG
Faradayweg 4-6 14195 Berlin
Tel: 030 8413 5405 Mail: kirstaedter at fhi-berlin.mpg.de
Am 15.01.2022 um 02:25 schrieb Randall Cayford via Tech-talk:
That worked.  Thanks!

On Jan 14, 2022, at 12:44 PM, Hu, Yong <yhu at bnl.gov> wrote:

Change this line: 
field (FLNK, "$(P):current1.PROC")
field (FLNK, "$(P):current1.PROC CA")

From: Tech-talk <tech-talk-bounces at aps.anl.gov> on behalf of Randall Cayford via Tech-talk <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
Date: Friday, January 14, 2022 at 3:18 PM
To: Gofron, Kazimierz via Tech-talk <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
Subject: FLNK doesn't process

I have a periodic scanned PV which I occasionally set.  However, when I set it, I can’t read the updated value until the periodic scan happens.  I would like the PV value to update as soon as it’s set.  I thought that was what was supposed to happen with FLNK but it doesn’t seem to.

My db has:
record (ai, "$(P):current1")
    field (DTYP, "stream")
    field (INP, "@thorlab.proto getcurrentch(1) $(BUS)")
    field (SCAN, "10 second")  

record (ao, "$(P):setcurrent1")
    field (DTYP, "stream")
    field (OUT, "@thorlab.proto setcurrentch(1) $(BUS)")
    field (FLNK, "$(P):current1.PROC")
    field (SCAN, "Passive")

"caput setcurrent1 10" works but it takes whatever is left of the 10 second scan period before current1 changes.
“caput current1.PROC 1” immediately updates the value in current1.

I tried     field (FLNK, "$(P):current1”) but that doesn’t process either.

What’s the trick for getting a periodic scan PV to process within a forward link?  Or is there some other way I’m supposed to do this?



Re: FLNK doesn't process William Kirstaedter via Tech-talk
Re: FLNK doesn't process Ralph Lange via Tech-talk
FLNK doesn't process Randall Cayford via Tech-talk
Re: FLNK doesn't process Hu, Yong via Tech-talk
Re: FLNK doesn't process Randall Cayford via Tech-talk

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