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Subject: AlliedVision Manta G-235B
From: Miroslaw Dach via Tech-talk <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
To: EPICS Tech-Talk <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
Date: Thu, 2 Nov 2023 23:49:53 -0700
Hi folks,

We have been using in ALS the AlliedVision Manta G-145B cameras with areaDetector ADProsilica driver for several years .
The G-145B cameras are used to capture beam spot images in ALS.
This camera model is not produced any more so we are searching for an alternative.
The AlliedVision suggested an alternative model: Manta G-235B with similar specification. 
Do any of you have experience with  Manta G-235B cameras or other models which could be worth considering?

Our requirements are:
GigE standard
pixel size under: 10um x 10um
sensor size 2/3"  
update rate 10Hz
12 bits  CCD/CMOS
image size like:  1390x1038
triggerable with the external trigger
24V power

Best Regards

Re: AlliedVision Manta G-235B Mark Rivers via Tech-talk

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