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Subject: Re: 3.15 C++ Exception classes
From: Andrew Johnson <[email protected]>
To: EPICS core-talk <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2006 10:51:53 -0600
Benjamin Franksen wrote:

I am not convinced, neither by the argument above ("write a try/catch phrase that could catch warnings but not errors or fatalities") nor by the Jeff's design where the severity is a class member.

IMHO, exceptions should not be classified at all into severity types.

I agree with you; as I said in my penultimate sentence:

> I'm also not convinced that the thrower can determine the severity of
> an exception in practice.

I guess I didn't express all of the reasons for rejecting Jeff's severity() method. My suggestion about being able to catch warnings was not made because I want to do that, but to show that using the exception class hierarchy makes more sense than hiding warning/error information inside the exception object itself.

Instead, I would propose to create /one/ special exception type that is reserved for 'assert' style failures, i.e. failures that can only becaused by broken or corrupted code. IIRC, this is what a 'fatal' severity normally means in Jeff's code.

I think this is very similar to Kay's point, which I will respond to separately...

- Andrew
There is no S in exprexxo.

Re: 3.15 C++ Exception classes Andrew Johnson

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