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Subject: Re: 3.15 C++ Exception classes
From: Andrew Johnson <[email protected]>
To: EPICS core-talk <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2006 11:21:01 -0600
Kay-Uwe Kasemir wrote:
On Feb 21, 2006, at 11:36 , Andrew Johnson wrote:

Actually, Benjamin did, and as I said in my reply to his message, can we keep this conversation on core-talk please. Private conversations make these discussions harder to follow, and break up the archive of what was said.

I am not convinced, neither by the argument above ("write a try/ catch phrase that could catch warnings but not errors or fatalities") nor by the Jeff's design where the severity is a class member.
IMHO, exceptions should not be classified at all into severity types.
Instead, I would propose to create /one/ special exception type that is reserved for 'assert' style failures, i.e. failures that can only becaused by broken or corrupted code. IIRC, this is what a 'fatal' severity normally means in Jeff's code. All other exceptions are normal (i.e. expected) failure conditions. Warnings, OTOH, can be automatically logged or whatever, but should NEVER cause an exception to be thrown. For exceptions to be useful in any way it is of utmost importance to strictly separate between success and failure. If the requested operation can be (and is) performed in any way, an exception must / not/ be thrown.

Absolutely. Exceptions are errors from which one can only recover
by backing off, displaying the message and leaving the rest to the user.
Warnings are not exceptions.
There are certainly libraries which like to turn their exception hierarchy into
dissertation matter, but I don't even see the need for a distinction  into
FatalException or NormalException.
What does this code
   catch (FatalException &e)
      ...print "FatalException: " + e.what();
   catch (NormalException &e)
      ...print "NormalException: " + e.what();

with end user messages ala
  "FatalException: Divide by 0, null pointer, array overflow, ...."
  "NormalException: Syntax error in line 42 of 'xy.db'.
offer to the user that you don't get from

   catch (exception &e)
      ...print e.what();

In both cases, the user wanted to load "xy.db",
can't, and has to figure out why.
Passing a meaningful string for what() is the key.


There is no S in exprexxo.

Re: 3.15 C++ Exception classes Andrew Johnson

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