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Subject: Re: Scanning on event number fails with EPICS 3.16
From: Dirk Zimoch <[email protected]>
To: EPICS core-talk <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2018 09:05:17 +0100
I have pushed a new version to https://code.launchpad.net/~dirk.zimoch/epics-base/+git/epics-base/+ref/named-events-backward-compatibility.

Now the logic is like this:
NULL is no event.
Leading and trailing spaces (isspace()) are trimmed.
An empty string is no event.
A numeric but not finite (inf, nan) value is no event.
A numeric value that converts (rounds towards zero) to an integer in the range 1 ... 255 is a numeric event.
A numeric value that converts to 0 is no event.
A numeric event is then converted to a decimal integer string.
All other events are named events.

I have modified scanpel so that it prints every existing event, even if no record uses it. The function now accepts glob patterns for filtering.

epics> postEvent "bla"
epics> postEvent "Injection"
epics> postEvent "2.00000"
epics> postEvent "Nan"
epics> postEvent "inf
epics> postEvent "-inf"
epics> postEvent "info"
epics> postEvent "0xff"
epics> scanpel
Event "255"
Event "info"
Event "2"
Event "Injection"
Event "bla"
epics> scanpel "2*"
Event "255"
Event "2"

If that look OK for you, I will make a merge request.

I am still working on the tests...


On 08.02.2018 17:48, Andrew Johnson wrote:
Hi Dirk,

On 02/08/2018 07:23 AM, Dirk Zimoch wrote:
Attached is a patch file for dbScan.c which should fix the problem and
restore backward compatibility.

I have created (and quickly tested) it with EPICS 7 but I guess it
should work with 3.16 as well.

Please work against the 3.15 branch, since that was where we introduced
your named events work. We will merge it up into the later branches from

The hack is to treat "x.000000" and "x" as the same event name if x is
an integer between 0 and 255. ("0" and "0.000000" are no event at all
now just like "").

I don't like the string comparisons since they would silently break if
the number of decimal digits generated by the double → string conversion
gets changed.

Better to parse the string properly into a double — look at the
epicsParseDouble() routine declared in epicsStdlib.h and documented at
— then either round or truncate the fractional part.


- Andrew

Re: Scanning on event number fails with EPICS 3.16 Dirk Zimoch
Re: Scanning on event number fails with EPICS 3.16 Andrew Johnson

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