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Subject: obscure EPICS+RTEMS makefile problem
From: Michael Davidsaver <[email protected]>
To: EPICS core-talk <[email protected]>, Andrew Johnson <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 17 Apr 2018 18:44:28 -0700
I realized that both Base and RTEMS define a Make macro $(MKDIR).
Unfortunately the RTEMS definition lacks a '-p'.  So using this
to create eg '../O.Common/' will fail if it already exists.

> configure/os/CONFIG.UnixCommon.Common:MKDIR = mkdir -p

> make/host.cfg:MKDIR=mkdir

The later is included through configure/os/CONFIG.Common.RTEMS

This is being done to generate headers with module version numbers
in the PVA modules.  I'm wondering why I'm only finding this now?

My workaround:

> include $(TOP)/configure/CONFIG
> ...
> ifeq ($(OS_CLASS),RTEMS)
> MKDIR = mkdir -p
> endif

Re: obscure EPICS+RTEMS makefile problem Johnson, Andrew N.

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