Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System

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<== Date ==> <== Thread ==>

Subject: Work needing support
From: [email protected] (Bob Dalesio)
Date: Tue, 14 Mar 95 12:53:38 MST
At the last collaboration meeting we discussed work that needs to be
done in EPICS and discussed ways to get it funded/handled. I think
the options are:
your institution will put in time to do the work, 
contribute money to do the work,
no help can be given by your institution.
If you are willing and able to contribute to these topics, please let me know
and we will organize the work groups to set and accomplish the goals.

        Somone needs to coordinate these activities, track them, 
        predict the contents of releases, and minimize the 
        duplication of effort.

System Administration:
        maintain, document, and test installation and builds on:
                Sun 4.1.3       ___________
                HP UX           ___________
                Solaris         ___________
                VAX Aplha       ___________     (CA/libCom)
                VAX VMS         ___________     (CA/libCom)
                DOS/WINDOWS ?   ___________     (CA/libCom) W'95, limux, OS@????
                WINDOWS NT      ___________     (CA/libCom)
        note that each of these architectures uses some subset of what
        is in the base and extensions

        distribute and provide support for the next release     
                Sun 4.1.3       ___________
                HP UX           ___________
                Solaris         ___________
                VAX Aplha       ___________
                VAX VMS         ___________
                DOS/WINDOWS     ___________     (CA/libCom) W'95, limux, OS@????
                WINDOWS NT      ___________     (CA/libCom)

        provide vxWorks support to those using the EPICS collaboration
        vxWorks license:
                initial installation    _______________
                ROM support             _______________

        support an application architecture that is
                simpler                 _______________

Database Issues:

        Configuration Tools
                EDIF2SR modifications
                -integrate new Capfast  _______________
                GDCT Extensions/Mods
                - port to freeware      _______________
                DCT                     _______________ 
                - preload checking
                - defaultdct.sdr        _______________

                Integrate new records   _______________
                Online Add/Delete       _______________
                Redundancy              _______________
                Port it to UNIX         _______________
                ANSI C                  _______________

        Device Support
                Integrate new devices                   _______________
                Improved device layer                   _______________
                user defined bus type                   _______________
                device specific parameters in 
                        new db rec type                 _______________

        Driver Support
                Sane standard for address specification _______________
                Integrate new drivers                   _______________
                Convert drivers to ANSI C               _______________
                Add volatile to hardware overlays
                        so we can use optimizer         _______________
                Arch independent types hardware overlays_______________
                Call devLib for addr map and conflict
                        addr detect                     _______________
                Driver init order issues                _______________

Channel Access Client Issues:

        Device API                      _______________
                cdev/channel access     _______________
                cdev/tcl                _______________
                cdev/ObjectStore        _______________
                cdev/ACE                _______________

        Sequencer Support               _______________

        Operator Interface DM/EDD
                Thumbwheel Widget       _______________
                Extend Plot Capability  _______________
                Expression Support      _______________
                - value, color and visibility
                Import GIF files        _______________
                Grouping                _______________
                3-D Frame Widget        _______________
                Modify selected objects _______________
                Finish ANSI C convert   _______________
                Grid Align              _______________
                MOTIF look/feel         _______________

        Channel Access
                Multi priority          _______________
                Portable Server         _______________
                New Protocol            _______________
                Name server             _______________
                User defined data types _______________
                Name res cache          _______________
                Unlimited array         _______________
                Multi-dim array         _______________
                Improved test program   _______________
                Arb. data type          _

                Collect Requirements    _______________
                Develop Functional Spec _______________
                Develop Design          _______________
                Implement               _______________
                Callable retrieval      _______________

                Encorporate good features from DM/EDD
                Improve Plot Performance

        Alarm Manager
                Filters on Log Viewer   _______________
                PV Macro Substitution   _______________

        Support for Interpreters


        Keep GPIB repository (screens, database, device support)

Automation toolkit                      _______________

Improved error logging                  _______________

Low cost IOC                            _______________

Common Data Formats
        SDDS                            _______________
        HDF                             _______________

        Produce                         _______________
        Provide WWW Repository          _______________

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Prev: versioning ioc startup scripts for a control system Johnny Tang
Next: Re: R3.12 Environment Parameter system Andrew Johnson
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Navigate by Thread:
Prev: versioning ioc startup scripts for a control system Johnny Tang
Next: beta release problems Marty Kraimer
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