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Subject: problem in running application of gpib-device
From: zhangdemin99 <[email protected]>
To: tech-talk <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 7 Nov 2007 17:19:13 +0800 (CST)
Dear all,
 I have copied the file usr/local/libgpib.la to the asyn/lib/linux-x86, then, there is no error in building asyn. But running application, there is error:
[zhm@localhost zhm]$cd software/gpib/psm6003/iocBoot/iocPSM6003
[zhm@localhost zhm]../../bin/linux-x86/PSM6003 st.cmd
../../bin/linux-x86/PSM6003:error while loading shared libraries:libgpib.so.0:cannot open shared object file:No such file or directory
There are always errors when building asyn....
what shold I do next?
Best wishes
demin zhang

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