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Subject: Re: StreamDevice "type punning" floating point conversion
From: Eric Norum via Tech-talk <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
To: "Johnson, Andrew N." <anj at anl.gov>
Cc: EPICS tech-talk <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
Date: Mon, 28 Sep 2020 10:33:39 -0700
Thanks go out to all the folks who replied to my posting.  

I didn’t want to create a custom version of StreamDevice with a converter to handle this and the readback in question is just for a slow ‘comfort’ display so I decided to use a CALC record to do the conversion.  I could probably get the CALC _expression_ to fit into a 40 character old-fashioned string value, but I’m keeping all the parentheses for now.
# Convert binary representation of IEEE-754 float
# Doesn't handle -0/NaN/Inf/Denormalized, but good enough for this application
record(calc, "$(P)$(R)FAST:SETPOINT") {
    field(DESC, "Fast setpoint")
    field(INPB, "0x007FFFFF")  # Mantissa
    field(INPC, "0x00800000")  # Hidden bit
    field(INPD, "0x7F800000")  # Exponent
    field(INPE, "0x80000000")  # Sign
    field(INPF, "23")          # Exponent shift
    field(INPG, "150")         # Exponent offset
    field(CALC, "A?(A&E?-1:1)*(C|(A&B))*2^(((A&D)>>F)-G):0")
    field(PREC, "6")

with corresponding protocol entry which reads the setpoint as a hexadecimal value into the ‘A’ field of the CALC record:
# Get SFP command snapshot
# Setpoint format differs with firmware version
    out "SFP:LAST_CMD";
    in "#SFP:LAST_CMD:"
     @mismatch { in "#NAK:%(\$1ErrorCode.VAL)d"; }

I have a piece of equipment that returns an IEEE-754 floating point value expressed as a hexadecimal integer.  i.e. when the device returns the ASCII string
it is sending the value

So far the only way I can figure out how to handle this is to read the value into a ai record RVAL then use a subroutine record with a C union to do the conversion and then store the float value in the ai record VAL.  Is there a way to avoid the subroutine record?   I’m looking for sort of a combination of a %x and a %R StreamDevice format converter.
Eric Norum
wenorum at lbl.gov

StreamDevice "type punning" floating point conversion Eric Norum via Tech-talk
Re: StreamDevice "type punning" floating point conversion Johnson, Andrew N. via Tech-talk

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