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<== Date ==> <== Thread ==>

Subject: R3.14 portable ca server monitor throughput performance has been improved
From: "Jeff Hill" <[email protected]>
To: "Ken Evans" <[email protected]>
Cc: "Bob Dalesio" <[email protected]>, "Ralph Lange" <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, "Marty Kraimer" <[email protected]>, "Eric Norum" <[email protected]>, "Andrew Johnson" <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2003 09:33:40 -0700
Hi Ken,

I committed some additional changes yesterday evening which should
hopefully improve the maximum monitor throughput from the portable

The CA client (running on Linux) and the example portable server
(running on my PC) now max out at about 320k events per second. The
tests do not saturate either the client or server hosts's CPU, and may
instead are limited by the client or server host's network throughput
(either os or hardware limitations). This is a significant improvement
over the paltry 33k events per second measured with the same test setup
prior to xmas break.

320 Khz * ( 16 byte CA header plus 8 bytes data ) = 7.7 MBps = 61 Mbps

Some possible differences between your test and my test:

1) There is only one PV scanned at 10Hz fanning out to many
subscriptions all created by the same client.

2) The client and server are on different machines.

3) The gateway code isn't running.

4) The test was performed using the caEventRate diagnostic and excas
which were built using the very latest version of R3.14 (see raw results

5) The server was running on Windows 2K (Athlon 1.5GHz) and the client
was running on Linux (Pent IV 1.5 GHz).

I will be looking at the integrated gateway system today.

Connecting to CA Channel "joh:jane". done.
Subscribing 40000 times. done.
Waiting for initial value events. done.
CA Event Rate (Hz): current 294199 mean 294199 std dev 0.000355893
CA Event Rate (Hz): current 330141 mean 312170 std dev 17971.3
CA Event Rate (Hz): current 329564 mean 317968 std dev 16809.2
CA Event Rate (Hz): current 326185 mean 320022 std dev 14985.7

Jeff Hill                     Internet     [email protected]
LANL MS H820                  Voice        505 665 1831
Los Alamos NM 87545 USA       FAX          505 665 5107

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