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<== Date ==> <== Thread ==>

Subject: Re: EPICS Base's support on Phar Lap ETS
From: Andrew Johnson <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Cc: [email protected]
Date: Tue, 19 Aug 2008 11:34:18 -0500
Hi Alex,

On Monday 18 August 2008 04:50:47 [email protected] wrote:
>     We're trying to migrate EPICS Base to Phar Lap ETS ( a real-time
> operating system from Ardence ) these days, and it turns out the modified
> Base works well on Phar Lap. Phar Lap's system API is much like the WIN32
> API, with the differences as follows:
> 1. Thread Priority Range is (-128 to 127), much like VxWorks' (0 to 256)
> 2. You cannot create a process, only one process allowed on PharLap
> 3. Only WinSock 1.1 is supported on Phar Lap
> 4. Other minor issues...
>     What I want say is can we make some contribution to the EPICS Base,
> let the libCom support a new realtime OS Phar Lap ETS? Any suggestions
> from you guys are appreciated :-)

Jeff has already talked about some technical aspects of the port, which is 
expected to provide a couple of new files in configure/os and a new directory 
with files in it under libCom/osi/os.  If you need to make any changes to 
code elsewhere in the tree they will need to be examined closely; we are 
trying hard to eliminate all architecture-specific code elsewhere, so #ifdef 
blocks are not generally accepted.

I would also advise you that there have been a number of changes since R3.14.9 
was released some of which may affect your port; your code is too late to be 
included in R3.14.10 which I would like to get released within the next month 
or so, but after that release I'd be happy to see you work with Jeff to get 
the code incorporated and with Janet Anderson on the configuration files.

In the meantime, before we can accept any code we have to get the legal side 
in place, which will involve your management or legal department signing a 
Grant of License to give Argonne the right to distribute and modify your 
code.  Please visit http://www.aps.anl.gov/epics/license/grant.php which 
shows the text of the Grant that our legal department prefers.  When you're 
ready, fill in the form with the name of whoever will be authorized to sign 
it on behalf of NI; submitting the form does not store any information on our 
webserver, it just generates a document suitable for printing out.  Please 
print it, have it signed and then fax it to me at +1 (630) 252-6123


- Andrew Johnson
Talk is cheap. Show me the code. -- Linus Torvalds

EPICS Base's support on Phar Lap ETS Alex . Chen

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