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Subject: Re: sequencer beta release
From: Matthias Clausen <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2010 15:26:40 +0200
 Hi Ben,

glad to hear about your progress.

On 17.05.2010 13:15, Benjamin Franksen wrote:
Hello All

I would like to announce seq-2.0.99, a beta release for 2.1.0.

The warning I issued in a previous mail regarding the future of this
development branch is hereby happily *withdrawn*. By general consensus (of
all interested parties) it was decided that I take over maintenance and
further development of the sequencer. So, this branch *is* the new trunk,
and it *will* be maintained and (hopefully) further improved.

The new sequencer home is at


The main differences to 2.0.98 are:

* converted the old Subversion repository at APS to darcs and re-based my
   changes on this repo

[NOTE: This means you should discard any clone you made of the repository
and get a new copy (via darcs get), as it will not be possible to transfer
patches form one to the other without major conflicts. Sorry for any
inconvenience this might cause -- I decided it is more important that we
have a continuous history in the repo.]

* integrated the few changes that were made in this repo after 2.0.12
* major rework of the documentation, convert docs sources to
   reStructuredText, use `Sphinx`_ to generate new website from the docs
* some minor cleanups, but otherwise no changes were made to the code
does this include the modification we made for remote management and redundancy support?

We'll be happy to test your version - if so.


Re: sequencer beta release Ben Franksen
sequencer beta release Benjamin Franksen

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