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<== Date ==> <== Thread ==>

Subject: Re: putlog patch for gateway
From: Andrew Johnson <[email protected]>
To: "Konrad, Martin" <[email protected]>
Cc: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2014 13:38:37 -0500
Hi Martin,

On 04/14/2014 08:59 AM, Konrad, Martin wrote:
> did you notice that I pushed our putlog patch again? This time the 
> commit ids should be correct. I just realized that I didn't get an 
> automatic email on core talk...
> https://code.launchpad.net/~info-martin-konrad/epics-gateway/putlog/+merge/213921

I saw the merge proposal (you might not get copies of your own proposals
if your core-talk subscription is configured not to send you copies of
your own messages and Launchpad and core-talk both know you by the same
email address), sorry I haven't responded yet.

Your changes look reasonable from the perspective of someone who doesn't
know the application internals at all. I haven't tried building the
result or looked at what it's actually trying to accomplish in detail
though. I would prefer if someone like Ralph who knows the code better
than I could take a look too, but if he can't spare the time I will
probably approve merging this anyway.

One minor comment: I'd suggest renaming the "ALLOW_PUTLOG" macro to
"WITH_PUTLOG" which I think reads slightly better. This wording seems to
be commonly used outside the EPICS community. If you do make that change
you won't need to re-propose the merge; Launchpad will see the change on
the branch and include the update automatically.

I'm wondering if we should change the way we build the PV Gateway to
make it a stand-alone module instead of depending on extensionsConfig.
If they're anything like the APS sites may want to build this statically
and copy the binary to the specific gateway machines anyway, so building
this into extensions doesn't make a lot of sense.


- Andrew
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