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<== Date ==> <== Thread ==>

Subject: Re: git question
From: Torsten Bögershausen <[email protected]>
To: Dirk Zimoch <[email protected]>, "Kasemir, Kay" <[email protected]>
Cc: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2017 06:22:56 +0100
Hej Dirk,

if you want files which are local on your disk
(Git calls it a worktree) but should be ignored by Git,
you can set up a .gitignore file.
So that Git ignores them in "git status".

(And as usual: Do you have your PSI branch on a public repo?
 This will allow other people to both steal your ideas or
  to review them. There is even a risk/chance that questions like
  this can be answered mor in practice).

On 28/11/17 17:38, Dirk Zimoch wrote:
Thanks for the explanation. I find it a pitty that git does make it easy to work with two branches in parallel without local files leaking into the other branch.

I had read something about some tricks with .gitattributes but did not understand it (and trying it it did not work as expected.)

On 28.11.2017 17:22, Kasemir, Kay wrote:
Can I create the Feature branch from the PSI branch?
The problem is that I can only compile with the PSI files in place. So for development I need PSI+Feature. But later I want to merge only Feature back to master.

You can never merge from the PSI branch back into master.

So it would have to be like this:
1) Create bug fix or feature branch off master,
2) merge that branch into PSI, at which point you can “work” on it, compile etc.
3) finally merge that branch into master

Or like this:

1) Create your fix off PSI branch
2) Merge back into PSI branch
.. so you can “work” on it, compile, ..
3) Create branch XXX of master
4) Cherry pick the commits of the PSI branch into XXX
5) Merge XXX into master


On 28.11.2017 17:08, Kasemir, Kay wrote:

From: [email protected] <[email protected]> on behalf of Dirk Zimoch <[email protected]>
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2017 10:54 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: git question

Can I do the following in git?

Clone the EPICS 7 repo, create a PSI branch, do PSI specific changes
(new and modified config files), do general bugfixes,
and then merge the bugfixes back into the master branch (or create a
merge request)
*without merging the PSI specific files/changes*?

So is there something like .gitignore but only for merging?

I would also like to be able to merge changes on the master branch into
the PSI branch without deleting the PSI specific files.


Like this:

Create a PSI branch.
On that branch you can do any PSI-specific changes. The PSI branch is never merged back into master.

For bugfixes, create branches like "FixBug123", "FixBug456". When done, these branches are merged
1) Into master
2) Into the PSI branch. Actually, you could either merge FixBug123 into PSI, or just merge master back into PSI which already contains the FixBug123 merge.

In case you do develop something of general interest on the PSI branch, something that should be merged into master: Create a "FeatureXYZ" branch off master. Cherry-pick the commits for the new something from PSI into FeatureXYZ, then merge FeatureXYZ into master.

When a new EPICS update comes out on master, you again merge master into PSI. It will keep your config file changes from the PSI branch. In theory, that works great. In practice, it actually works quite well, but of course there will be merge conflicts when the master branch updated the structure of a config file, so then there are changes to the file on both master and in the PSI branch which you will need to sort out.


git question Dirk Zimoch
Re: git question Kasemir, Kay
Re: git question Dirk Zimoch
Re: git question Kasemir, Kay
Re: git question Dirk Zimoch

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