EPICS Council
Created in September 2016, the EPICS Council was formed to optimize the use of
resources available at investing facilities to ensure the ongoing viability of
EPICS as the control system toolkit of choice for scientific facilities. To that
end, the Council will:
- Prioritize major EPICS upgrade projects for Base and Extensions to
guide resource allocation decisions at investing facilities.
- Develop a roadmap for future EPICS Core and Extensions development
to facilitate planning for all EPICS sites. The roadmap will be developed
using technical input from the chairs of relevant working groups
(currently EPICS Core Working Group and CS-Studio Working Group).
- Provide support to control system managers in promoting EPICS
development efforts to their organization leadership.
- Select semi-annual EPICS Collaboration Meeting sites and dates.
- Ensure that EPICS continues to be an open collaboration and that
contributions are open-source.
— from
The EPICS Council Charter (2018)
The Council currently has representation from 11 projects. Karen White
(ORNL) is the current Council Chair. The 2018 members are as follows:
- APS — John Maclean
- Diamond Light Source — Mark Herron
- European Spallation Source — Henrik Carling
- ITER — Anders Wallander
- LANSCE — Jeff Hill
- NSLS-II — Richard Farnsworth
- PSI — Markus Janousch
- SLAC Accelerator — Joe DeLong
- SLAC Instruments — Daniel Flath
- SNS Accelerator — Karen White
- SNS and HFIR Instruments — Steven Hartman