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Subject: e2sr and the CALC record
From: Andy Foster <[email protected]>
To: [email protected], [email protected]
Cc: Epics Questions <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 17:58:02 +0100 (BST)

I have just started using version 2.1.3 of 'e2sr' in order to
make use of the macro substitution through a heirarchy of schematics.
However, I seem to have found a bug with the CALC field of calculation records.

If you set the CALC field as: A%6
(which I believe is allowable, as stated in the record reference manual).
The result in the '.sr' file is: A%67 !!

I went through the following to generate this:

sch2edif -n test.sch.  (Version 2.2.74)

(Incidently, this gave me a file which had the following:

              (property (rename def "def")
                (string "test:calc1.B"))))
          (instance (rename calc1 "calc1")
            (viewRef NETLIST_VIEW 
              (cellRef ecalcs))
            (property (rename CALC "CALC")
              (string "A%37%6")))
          (net (rename n_22 "n#22")
Where does the extra "%37" come from?) 

e2sr test.edf. (Version 2.1.3)
	DESC calculation record
	SCAN Passive
	SDIS 0.000000000000000e+00
	FLNK 0.000000000000000e+00
	CALC A%67
	INPA test:calc1.VAL .NPP.NMS

The original 'sch' file is:

uniq 36
w -1152 722 100 0 n#22 ecalcs.calc1.VAL 
-960 400 -896 400 -896 720 -1360 720 -1360 592 -1248 592 ecalcs.calc1.INPA
[cell use]
use eaos -1800 264 100 0 reset1
xform 0 -1696 352
p -2080 -68 100 0 0 def(OUT):test:calc1.B
use ecalcs -1224 120 100 0 calc1
xform 0 -1104 384
p -1341 600 100 0 0 CALC:A%6

I also noticed that A%67 generated A%67% ?
Can anyone tell me if they have noticed anything similar?

Am I using the correct flags on the programs? I don't understand what is
going on? 

Thanks for any help.


Andy Foster
Royal Greenwich Observatory	Tel:       44 (0)1223 374899 (direct)
Madingley Road			Fax:       44 (0)1223 374700
Cambridge			E-mail:    [email protected]
CB3 0HA				Home Page: http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/~ajf

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