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<== Date ==> <== Thread ==>

Subject: Error while cross-compiling EPICS for arm
From: éæç <[email protected]>
To: tech talk <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2006 13:10:26 +0800

I have been working with cross-compiling EPICS for arm, but the ioc
application can't run on the target.

Building EPICS for linux-arm on the host
1.  Install a suitable cross compiler.  This release was built with a
of gcc 3.3.3 configured as a cross compiler with prefix arm-linux.  Let
ARM_LINUX_GCC be the root of the compiler, so that GCC is available as

2.  Extract EPICS from
    http://www.aps.anl.gov/epics/download/base/baseR3.14.8.2.tar.gz into
suitable directory.  Let EPICS_BASE be the path to the root directory of

3.  Apply the patch thus:
    $ cd $EPICS_BASE
    $ patch -p0 <$LIBERA_EPICS/install/patch-epics-

4.  Editing the site configuration file
and defining 
    GNU_DIR=<expansion of ARM_LINUX_GCC>

5.  Make sure that linux-arm is included as a cross compiler target
architecture, by editing
and defining 

6.  Run make from $EPICS_BASE.  This will take a while...
    $ cd $EPICS_BASE
    $ make

Creating a example ioc application on the host
1.  mkdir <top>
    cd <top>

2.  $EPICS_BASE/bin/linux-x86/makeBaseApp.pl -t example myexample
    $EPICS_BASE/bin/linux-x86/makeBaseApp.pl -i -t example myexample
The following target architectures are available in base:
What architecture do you want to use? linux-arm

3.  Run make.
    $ make linux-arm

Run the ioc example on the target
1.  cd <top>/iocBoot/iocmyexample

2.  ../../bin/linux-arm/myexample st.cmd

The error appear:
../../bin/linux-arm/myexample: relocation
error: ../../bin/linux-arm/myexample: undefined symbol: pvar_func_asSub

What's wrong?

Thanks in advance

Yan Yingbing
SSRF BI group

Re: Error while cross-compiling EPICS for arm Michael Abbott
Re: Error while cross-compiling EPICS for arm Andrew Johnson

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