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Subject: procServ dies quietly when log file > 2G
From: Bruce Hill <[email protected]>
To: Ralph Lange <[email protected]>
Cc: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 2010 22:50:09 -0700
Hi Ralph,
I just discovered that a couple of our soft IOC's, running via procServ,
had stopped running. When I tried launching the procServ daemon again,
I would get the message about spawning a daemon process, but ps would
fail to find it. On investigation, it turned out that both these IOC's had
2GB log files. When I removed the log files, procServ was able to
launch successfully.

I don't know if this was intended, but it would seem more prudent to keep
the process running without logging if the log file is full, and just print to
stderr that the log is full.

Best regards,
- Bruce Hill

Re: procServ dies quietly when log file > 2G Ralph Lange
CA gateway dies without error message Dirk Zimoch
Re: CA gateway dies without error message Andrew Johnson
Re: CA gateway dies without error message Martin L. Smith
Re: CA gateway dies without error message Ralph Lange

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