Dear all,
As has been mentioned at the last epics collaboration meeting, at PSI we are starting to use a Qt replacement for MEDM. A WEB-page has been set up now at PSI, where you can download the code using the following address: http:/
Of course the code has still to be improved, but actually the actual version does almost everything MEDM was doing and something more.
Let me know of its usage, improvements, bug fixes, hints. Tell me if you like it.
Anton Mezger
Dr. Anton Chr. Mezger
Head of Accelerator Operations
Accelerator division (ABE)
Paul Scherrer Institut, WBGB/103
CH-5323 Villigen PSI
E-Mail: [email protected]
Phone: ++41 (0)56 310 3406
Fax : ++41 (0)56 310 3383