Dear all,
Again an major upgrade of caQtDM is available ( Version 2.8) . Information can be found at our PSI-Website
Since version 2.5 many things have been changed and added. All these are documented at the website.
The most important changes are:
- Added –dg parameter at the command line
- Toggle button added
- Text entry behavior and look
- Fixed memory overflows due to non null terminated strings from epics
- Slider and thermo problems were fixed
- stripplot and Cartesian plot have now a dialog for changing their scales online
- remove parent option added for related display
- more curves possible in stripplot
- pep files used at PSI (used for tcl/tk application) are accepted by caQtDM
- a script control has been added and the execution can be followed with an output/debug window
and last but not least, performance has been drastically improved.
Also a windows distribution package (caQtDM.msi) is available. This package allows you to use the Qt designer, caQtDM with EPICS immediately after installing.
For linux, you could use the shell script caQtDM_Build for building the package. However you should install Qt and Qwt before.
Let me know of its usage, improvements, bug fixes, hints. Tell me if you like it.
Dr. Anton Chr. Mezger
Head of Accelerator Operations
Accelerator division (ABE)
Paul Scherrer Institut, WBGB/103
CH-5323 Villigen PSI
E-Mail: [email protected]
Phone: ++41 (0)56 310 3406
Fax : ++41 (0)56 310 3383