Hello all,
We would like to announce the release of a new version (2.8.1) of the QE Framework. It can be found here:
This new version has the following changes since 2.7.1 (please refer to the release notes for a comprehensive report):
- widget/application interaction
- externalisation of widget controls
- QEGui customisation
New widgets/classes:
- QEUtilities
- QEStripChart/QEPlotter
- QEResizeableFrame
- QEArchiveNameSearch
- QEGeneralEdit
- QEDialog
Enhanced widgets/classes:
- QEImage (areaDetector integration)
Removed deprecated QCa widgets. All deprecated widgets were only thin wrappers around current QE widgets. For example,
QCaLabel was implemented using QELabel. Any code or .ui files referencing deprecated QCa widgets can be modified to use
the current version by simply renaming any widget from QCa<name>Plugin to QE<name>.
Please feel free to ask the development team for additional details.
Ricardo Fernandes.