quadEM R9-0 is now available.
This is from the R9-0 release notes:
- Fixed a problem with PingPong on the NSLS_EM. If ValuesPerRead>1 then it now forces PingPong=Both.
Previously if ValuesPerRead was even and PingPong was Phase0 or Phase1 then the driver might not update because the device was only sending the other phase.
Even if ValuesPerRead was odd the phase information was not correct.
- Finished documentation for NSLS2_EM.
- Changed the quadEM.template file to load NDArrayDriver.template, i.e. the database for the asynNDArrayDriver base class. This ensures that records for the base class are present.
This change requires changing the startup scripts to pass ADDR=0 and TIMEOUT=1 when loading the device template file, because these macros are required by NDArrayDriver.template.
Because this is not backwards compatible this is major release.
- Updated quadEMTestAppMain.cpp to the version in the template files in EPICS base 3.15.5. This includes a call to epicsExit() after the iocsh() returns.
This is needed for epicsAtExit to work correctly on some platforms, including Windows.
This is from the R8-0 release notes:
- Minor changes to be compatible with areaDetector/ADCore R3-0. The quadEM base class constructor has changed its arguments, so this is a major release.
There are no changes required to startup scripts or OPI displays.
The home page is here:
The documentation is here:
The release notes are here:
The software repository is on github. Releases can be obtained there.
Let me know of any problems or suggestions.